Propaganda, News, Entertainment, and Making Light in Unbearable Darkness
Students will be able to: ◦ Think like a historian via analyzing primary docs. ◦ Create an operational definition of propaganda ◦ Consider political cartoons as an act of propaganda as well as news and popular entertainment ◦ Deconstruct political cartoons to ascertain the message ◦ Analyze the perspective of the creator ◦ Evaluate their effectiveness as a source of propaganda and entertainment ◦ Better understand causes and events from the War of 1812 ◦ Create a political cartoon of their own: a advertisement/cartoon/poster either pro or anti- war against England (circa 1812)
What is Propaganda? Can you think of some examples?
Google’s definition ◦ information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view Examples: Political ads, commercials, biased journalism including editorials, billboards, spam, political cartoons, anything trying to get you to do something or sway your opinion
You will receive a primary document Analyze the primary document as the trained historians you are Try to place the document in a specific range of years Understand the symbols used and their meaning Note the perspective of the artist Share and explain your document to the class
Create a political cartoon where the theme is to encourage the reader to join either the Continental Army or a Loyalist Militia Criteria54321 Effective Development of Cartoon Based on Theme Unique/creative approach to the theme; appropriate usage of symbols, captions, and/or titles. Shows some creativity; mostly appropriate symbols, captions, and/or titles. Uses a predictable approach; somewhat conventional, symbols, captions, or titles. Mimics original example; little or no creativity shown; borrowed symbols, captions or titles from example. Assignment not complete Accurate Information Completely accurate, information illustrated; reflects the time period of event shown. Mostly accurate information illustrated; is generally correct for the time period or event shown. Mixed information, some accurate, some not accurate, imprecise; may not reflect the time period or event. Little accurate information illustrated; point of view unclear, generally does not reflect time period or event No accurate information; no point of view illustrated. Quality of Product Neatly drawn; correct spelling of captions; is carefully designed with main idea evident Generally neat; 1 or 2 spelling errors; generally well designed with main idea understandable. Good sketch; readable with few errors; design somewhat cluttered and main idea needs focusing Barely understandable; lack of clarity relative to design and main idea poorly illustrated. Not turned in or illegible.