Selection 32 George Washington TJ May 27th, 2007
Before Reading 1. What is a president? 2. What does a president do?
Dr. Word 105. lead 106. revolutionary 107. elect 108. capital 109. name after 110. bill
Find the Error 1. In 1759, he married with his wife Martha.
During Reading 1. How long was Washington president? 2. What is named after Washington?
After Reading 1. Why was Washington important? 2. Would you want to be a president? Why or why not?
Ask Questions Discover Topic 1: George Washington’s Childhood What was George Washington’s family _______? Topic 2: The Revolutionary War How did George Washington help ____ the Revolutionary War?
Ask Questions Topic 3: Washington as President How _____ was Washington president?
Summarize and Paraphrase Important information George Washington ____ a very important man because he was the ____ president of the United States. He _____ a wife named Martha, and he fought in the army to help the United States become a _____.
Something about George Washington The Greatness of George Washington