The Emergence of The Two Party System Alexander Hamilton Hamilton’s Vision The Rise of Political Parties
Enter Alexander Hamilton Washington appoints advisors based on ability to run government departments and calls them to provide advice on a regular basisWashington appoints advisors based on ability to run government departments and calls them to provide advice on a regular basis Alexander Hamilton is appointed Secretary of Treasury and Jefferson is the Secretary ofAlexander Hamilton is appointed Secretary of Treasury and Jefferson is the Secretary of
Enter Alexander Hamilton Intelligent, articulate but an elitistIntelligent, articulate but an elitist Serves as an aide-de- camp to WashingtonServes as an aide-de- camp to Washington A staunch Federalist he supports a strong national government A staunch Federalist he supports a strong national government Wants the nation to be ruled by an “aristocracy of wealth and talent”Wants the nation to be ruled by an “aristocracy of wealth and talent”
Enter Alexander Hamilton He is an elitist and believes that America’s aristocracy should rule Hamilton believes that the common man cannot be trusted in positions of government and power He believes that only the elites are capable of running a government but, he does not trust them with power as well
The Money Question Hamilton is appointed as Secretary of Treasury, he proposes a national bank which is supported by Congress. Washington is hesitant to support it.Hamilton is appointed as Secretary of Treasury, he proposes a national bank which is supported by Congress. Washington is hesitant to support it. Hamilton argues that Constitution gives government “implied powers” to do what is necessary for the country.Hamilton argues that Constitution gives government “implied powers” to do what is necessary for the country. Jefferson disagrees with Hamilton, stating the Constitution does not say anything about creating a national bank.Jefferson disagrees with Hamilton, stating the Constitution does not say anything about creating a national bank. Washington is swayed by Hamilton and a national bank is created and is a successWashington is swayed by Hamilton and a national bank is created and is a success
Hamilton and Jefferson
The Money Question Washington is swayed by Hamilton and a national bank is created and is a successWashington is swayed by Hamilton and a national bank is created and is a success Jefferson strongly opposed it and feared that a precedent of federal supremacy had been set Jefferson strongly opposed it and feared that a precedent of federal supremacy had been set
Hamilton’s Report on Public Credit Hamilton proposes that debt would be funded by the government to maintain the “honor and prosperity of the United States”Hamilton proposes that debt would be funded by the government to maintain the “honor and prosperity of the United States” The success on this plan rested on the success of a tariffThe success on this plan rested on the success of a tariff
Hamilton’s Report on Manufactures Hamilton wants the nation to become more economically and industrially diverseHamilton wants the nation to become more economically and industrially diverse He proposes tariffs on foreign goods and that government take an active role in laying the ground work for the economy of the nationHe proposes tariffs on foreign goods and that government take an active role in laying the ground work for the economy of the nation
The Rise of Political Parties Both Jefferson and Hamilton greatly disagreed on fundamental issues and would become leaders of two different types of political thoughtBoth Jefferson and Hamilton greatly disagreed on fundamental issues and would become leaders of two different types of political thought Their disagreement over a National Bank will be the divisive issueTheir disagreement over a National Bank will be the divisive issue
The Rise of Political Parties JeffersonJefferson Opposes a Bank of the United StatesOpposes a Bank of the United States Support the French RevolutionSupport the French Revolution Supported the FrenchSupported the French Favored the farmerFavored the farmer HamiltonHamilton Supported a Bank of the United States Is against the French Revolution Supported the British Supports business and the wealthy