OBJECTIVES In this presentation, the audience will learn how Finnish Nurses: Are educated and educational tracks Practice Overview of Finnish Healthcare system
PROGRAMS OF STUDY LPN Track 20 credits core subjects, 50 common vocational studies of the qualification, 10 credits free-choice studies, as well as 40 credits specialist vocational studies and 29 credits of on the job training ("Practical Nurse Training," n.d.) Vocational School
PROGRAMS OF STUDY Registered Nurse Course of study “…consisting of credits, lasts from 3.5 to 4.5 years. Registered nurses require 210 credits, public health nurses and paramedics 240, and midwives 270.” ("Nursing and Nurse," 2012). University of Applied Sciences
NATIONAL REGISTRATION Registered Nurse (RN) Required to apply to National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) for license No national test required- proof of graduation and residency required After the candidate submits information the nurse will be granted a registration by Central Register of Health Care Professionals. Nurse can then practice as a RN
NATIONAL REGISTRATION Practical Nurse (LPN) Not required to obtain license or registration Can practice as a LPN Student for indefinite amount of time before graduation Not required to obtain national registration
CONTINUING EDUCATION Requirement for continued education Employers are required to give employee time and resources to obtain continuing educational requirements Employers are also required to educate employees and to help employees obtain certification for pharmacology for each department
SCOPE OF PRACTICE LPN (Practical Nurse) Assists with procedures Focus on basic human needs- feeding, clothing, dressing Provides basic cares Can not administer medications
SCOPE OF PRACTICE RN Delegation Admininsteration of medications Planning cares Basic exams Provides cares for basic human needs
WORKING IN FINLAND Many options for a working Nurse Employment in Public, Private or Third Sector Self-employment
HEALTHCARE & SERVICES IN FINLAND Public healthcare is available to all residents in Finland, regardless of their financial situation. Although healthcare is government funded, Fees are associated with care: Outpatient fees are set at 22 euros per visit. Outpatient surgery costs a maximum of 72 euros. Inpatient charges cost around 26 euros a day (up to seven days) and 12 euros in a psychiatric ward. Patients requiring long-term care are charged up to 80 percent of their monthly income. 80 euros must remain for the patients own use. Patients who need a series of treatments like dialysis are charged 6 euros for each appointment up to a maximum of 45 appointments a year. Mentally and physically handicapped people have to pay 9 euros a day for rehabilitation. Once a ceiling of 590 EUR a year has been reached, patients no longer have to pay. Costs for children count towards their parents medical fee limit. Citizens are responsible for monitoring whether or not they have reached the fee limit. ("Healthcare in finland," 2012)
MUNICIPAL HEALTH CENTERS (TERVEYSASEMAT) IN FINLAND Primary healthcare is provided by municipal health center. You need to use the center which is closest to the place where you live; it is not possible to make a doctor's appointment at a different health center than the one most local to you. If it is determined you need specialized care- you will be referred to a specialist. By law the patient must be seen within three weeks Telephone triage is used, often saving trips to local health center. Telephone triage is staffed by nurses and physicians
PHARMACIES Medications (OTC and prescription) are only available at a pharmacy Called Apteekki
FINNISH ER (FIRST AID) A face-to-face triage system based on the letters A (patient directly to secondary care), B (to be examined within 10 min), C (to be examined within 1 h), D (to be examined within 2 h) and E (no need for immediate treatment) Overcrowding still an issue Patients triaged at E are encouraged to make appointments with local health center, but some choose to wait.
A HOLISTIC APPROACH Large focus on the family as influential to the care and wellbeing of the patient Alternative and complementary medicine is used and accepted Use of honey and pine tar in wound healing
REFERENCES Astedt-Kurki, P. (2010, August 4). Family nursing research for practice: The finnish perspective. Journal of Family Nursing, 256–268. doi: / Nursing and Nurse Education in Finland. (2012). The Finnish Nurses Association. Retrieved June 10, 2012, from nursing_and_nurse_education_in_f/ Practical nurse training. (n.d.). The Finnish Union of Practical Nurses. Retrieved May 30, 2012, from en/ Working%20as%20a%20practical%20nurse/ Healthcare in finland. (2012). Retrieved from