E3 Teacher Summer Research Program
Willie L. Smith - IPC, Physics Tidehaven ISD Tidehaven High School
E3 Teacher Summer Research Program Faculty Mentor: Dr. Karen Vierow Department of Nuclear Engineering Associate and co-mentor: Dr. Isaac Chotapalli
Introduction Three Teacher Researchers were assigned to the department of Nuclear Engineering to research the phenomena of Countercurrent Flow Limitation in the pressurizer along with a graduate student. The reason for this research is to identify and quantify when flooding occurs in the surge line of the pressurizer. And to provide the teachers with a greater appreciation for nuclear power safety.
Background In the United States, over 60% of the nuclear power plants are of the pressurized water reactors (PWR) design. Each design uses the controlled atomic fissioning of enriched uranium fuel in the reactor pressure vessel to generate tremendous amount of heat, to produce steam, which drives the turbine-generator system for electricity. The fundamental characteristic of the PWR is that the primary coolant is operating at a pressure of 2250 psi and a high temperature of 600 F. The high pressure does not allow the coolant to boil in the primary loop. Loss of coolant accidents : Chernobyl, Three Mile Island Unanalyzed conditions that are of significance to safety
PWR Nuclear Power Plant Electric Generating Station
Summer Research Assignment Research of Light Water Reactor Safety Issue of Countercurrent Flow Limitation Perform tests on a pressurizer surge line to detect and quantify flooding conditions. Flooding occurs when the momentum of the gas flow is sufficient to reverse the flow of the liquid.
Summer Research Assignment Describe the equipment setup Experiments – Two experiments will be conducted DI Water and Air Steam and Air – Data Generated Liquid Flowrates Air Flowrates Differential Pressure – The purpose of the experiment is to determine the point at which “Flooding” occurs.
Assembly with Annular Flow Top View
Surge Line Countercurrent Flow Test Assembly
Automatic Data Acquisition System
Time Min/ Sec Air Velocity m/s Δ Water Pressure inches water 0.5 / / / / / / / / / / Test Data
Real Time Test Data Air Velocity and Differential Pressure
Acrylic Test Section Demonstrating Countercurrent Flow
Summary The purpose of the Pressurizer is: 1) to stabilizes the pressure in the reactor coolant system, 2) to provide for water inventory control during a LOCO or Station Blackout, 3) to provide for the safe operation of the Nuclear Reactor, and 4) to provide heat for Reactor Coolant System heatup. The experiment identified conditions for the onset of flooding. Quantified water and gas flowrates where flooding occurred. E3 teachers help conduct experiments, and modify the experimental facility as necessary.
Classroom Application TEKS Objectives: 6A, 6B, and 6C Describe the Law of Conservation of Energy Investigate and Demonstrate the movement of heat through solids, liquids, and gases by convection, conduction, and radiation Have students build a model thermal coolant system complete with heat source, pump, heat exchangers, rotation device, and instrumentation. Analyze the efficiency of energy conversion that is responsible for the production of electricity from Thermal Sources.
Acknowledgements I would like to give a special thanks to my mentor Dr. Karen Vierow and Graduate Student Niki Williams who spent an inordinate amount of time with us to create this great experience. A special thanks also goes out to NSF for their financial support.