Customer Service in shipping line


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Presentation transcript:

Customer Service in shipping line Unit 4 Customer Service in shipping line

What does Customer Service do in Shipping Line?

Index of Shenzhen Customer Services Procedures Booking Rate Enquiry Customer Profile Handling B/L Data Capturing & B/L Amendment Declaration of O/B EOV OB Telex Release Service Change of Destination/Discharging Port (COD) IB Cargo Arrangement Monthly Performance Statistics OB DOC Issuance in Counter IB DOC Issuance in Counter Announcement to Customer

Customer Service Procedures Imagine that you are a new employee in the Customer Service Department, think about what you should do step by step according to the standard job procedures.

rocedure Name: Customer Service - Booking 1 .0 Purpose/ Scope l. l To receive, capture and issue bookings within the Booking System, prepare Hazardous/ Reefer/ Hanger cargo applications for all outbound cargo from Shenzhen. 2.0 Responsibility 2.1 The Manager of Customer Service Section is responsible for implementation and Adherence by all Customer Service Personnel.

3.0 Procedures 3. 1 CY Booking 3.1.1 Upon receipt of fax booking form (our or shipper’s own booking Form) from customer, the Customer Service Personnel must check whether Shipping information is completely filled or not. 3.1.2 If not, Customer Service Personnel must inform and clarify with Customer then write down the missing information on the booking form or ask the customer to re-send missing information. 3.1.3 If yes, Customer Service Personnel must obtain booking number from booking system. 3.1.4 If equipment/ container, which required by customer, is not available, the Customer Service Personnel must inform customer or offer alternative.

CFS: Container Freight Station 集装箱货运站 CFS Cargo: 拼箱货 CY:Container Yard 集装箱堆场 CY Cargo: 整箱货 LCL: Less than Container Loaded 不满箱的、拼箱的 FCL: Full Container Loaded 整箱的、满箱的 B/A :Booking Acknowledgement 订舱确认书

Procedure Flowchart Look at the flowchart which shows the process of outbound cargo operation,think about how to make a procedure flowchart by yourself.

收到订舱确认单后就传真到客户自行指定的运输公司中 码头 收重柜后提供一份设备交接单给司机 报关行 填写装货单(报关单) 拖车司机 在订 舱 确 认 单(BA)上加 盖运输公司章后到 船公司操作部 指定提取空柜地点 工 厂 装货 重 柜 清 关 报关文件 船务代理 船务代理输单并 将数据传送到海关电脑系统 海关 通过 放行单 出口货物操作流程

4.3.2 The class is divided into two teams If you are in team A, look at the file of “Reefer Application”, and try to draft a flowchart to show the procedure clearly. If you are in team B, look at the file of “Hazardous (DG) Cargo Application”; try to draft a flowchart to show the procedure clearly. Exchange your procedure flowchart with a classmate in another team, explain the job procedure in your own words, and make sure your partner can understand completely.

3.3 Reefer Application 3.3.1 On receipt of a Reefer booking from a customer, Customer Service Personnel must request the customer to fill in the Requisition Form of Reefer Container or Requisition Form of Reefer Container (Humidity Control Reefer) for making appointment.

3.3.2 On receipt of a Requisition Form of Reefer Container or Requisition Form of Reefer Container (Humidity Control Reefer) from customer, Customer Service Personnel must check and ensure Requisition Form of Reefer Container or Requisition Form of Reefer Container (Humidity Control Reefer) is filled completely by the customer.

3.3.3 If the Requisition Form of Reefer Container or Requisition Form of Reefer Container (Humidity Control Reefer) is not filled completely, Customer Service Personnel must clarify with customer before proceeding. 3.3.4 Customer Service Personnel must then check equipment availability with the Operations Department prior to acceptance. If the request is declined due to shortage of equipment, Customer Service Personnel must advise the customer, stating that booking cannot be accepted or offer alterative.

3.3.5 If the request is accepted by the Operations Department, Customer Service Personnel must fax/ email the Active Reefer Daily Booking List to the Operations Department for confirmation of pre-trip inspection or pre-cooling of container at least one working day before pick up time if required, then advise shipper accordingly. 3.3.6 Upon receipt confirmation of loaded Reefer Container returns to terminal, Customer Service Personnel must prepare a Temperature Container Controlled List to Operation Department for follow-up.

3.4 Hazardous (DG) Cargo Application 3.4.1 Upon receipt of Hazardous Cargo booking, Customer Service Personnel must check details declared by the customer at DG Enquiry Module of InforNet. If there is any variance between customer declaration and information within the DG Commodity Enquiry screen, Customer Service Personnel must clarify with customer prior to proceeding. 3.4.2 Customer Service Personnel must apply and obtain DG acceptance, if accepted, then ask customer to provide a Shipper’s Certificate.

3.4.3 Upon receipt of Shipper’s Certificate, Customer Service Personnel must check if the Shipper’s Certificate is correctly completed or not. If not, he/ she must clarify with customer. 3.4.4 If the Hazardous Cargo is not accepted, Customer Service Personnel must inform the customer stating that booking cannot be accepted or offer alternatives.

3.4.5 For cargo T/S at Hong Kong, The Customer Service Personnel must inform the Rating Section to apply for the DG Manifest which must be sent to the Marine Department/ HKG at least 3 working days before vessel cut-off day.

Hazardous (DG) Cargo Application (危险品订舱申请) DG Enquiry Module of InforNet (公司内部信息网中关于危险品的查询窗口) T/S (Transshipment, 转船) DG Manifest (危险品清单) Marine Department/ HKG (香港海事处)

Work in pairs: imagining that you are a customer service personnel, compare the two job procedures, and find out the different key points between different job procures you should focus on.

Reefer Application Hazardous (DG) Cargo Application Key point 1 Key point 2 Key point 3

Hanger Container Dry containers with hangers attached Hanger Container Dry containers with hangers attached. For hanging of garments, such as coats and luxury dresses. Reefer Container For refrigerated and fresh food such as fruits, vegetables, frozen meat and seafood.

4.4 Booking Acknowledgement SAMPLE

Look at the document of Booking Acknowledgement, complete the table below:

Intended vessel/voyage 1. Booking party 2. Shipper 托运人 3. Booking number 订舱号 4. Customs VSL/VOY code 5. Intended vessel/voyage 6. Port of loading 装货港 7. Port of discharge 8. Final destination 9. Dispatch quantity 10. 45HQ 45英尺高柜 11. ETA 12. ETD
