Physical Boundaries Important physical features on Earth’s surface can make good boundaries because they are easily seen, both on a map and on the ground.
Cultural Boundaries The boundaries between some states coincide with differences in ethnicity. Other cultural boundaries are drawn according to geometry; they simply are straight lines drawn on a map.
Geometric Boundaries Part of the northern U.S. boundary with Canada is a 2,100-kilometer (1,300- mile) straight line (more precisely, an arc) along 49° north latitude,... established in 1846 by a treaty between the United States and Great Britain, which still controlled Canada. The United States and Canada share an additional 1,100- kilometer (700-mile) geometric boundary between Alaska and the Yukon Territory along the north-south arc of 14° west longitude.
The oldest form of government in which the ruler inherits power automatically from their parents
Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Queen, Defender of the FaithDefender of the Faith His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor. Emperor Akihito
King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud عبد الله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Reigning Prince of Liechtenstein, Duke of Troppau and Jägerndorf, Count of Rietberg, Sovereign of the House of LiechtensteinPrince of LiechtensteinDuke of TroppauJägerndorfRietbergHouse of Liechtenstein
Monarchy AB Never have constitutions Power is inherited
Government authority based on the will of the people who enjoy certain basic rights
Democracy Any form of government in which political power is exercised by all citizens, either directly or through their elected representatives. There are two kinds of Democracies … Direct! Representative !
DirectRepresentative All citizens vote on all issues directly Citizens elect representatives who represent their interests in assemblies There are no branches of government Power is usually divided into 2 branches (branches usually determined by social groups) Example: Ancient Athens Example: United States
Electoral Geography The boundaries separating legislative districts are redrawn to ensure that each district has approximately the same population. The process of redrawing legislative boundaries for the purpose of benefiting the party in power is called gerrymandering.
Government run by religious leaders
In Ancient Egypt, the Pharaohs were the rulers. They were also gods to the people. They were worshipped as deities on earth.
The Vatican City was declared a separate state in The Pope rules the Vatican. All laws of the Vatican come from cannon law. The Pope is elected by the College of Cardinals and rules for life. Puritan ministers ran society and the government during early colonial life in the Thirteen Colonies. Later mayors and governors were elected by the people.
Religious leaders in Iran seized power in 1979Religious leaders in Iran seized power in 1979 Voters elect a president and representatives to the legislature, but they are subject to the authority of the AyatollahsVoters elect a president and representatives to the legislature, but they are subject to the authority of the Ayatollahs The leader of the Ayatollahs is called the Supreme Leader. He is elected for lifeThe leader of the Ayatollahs is called the Supreme Leader. He is elected for life He interprets religious law and can dismiss the president and declare warHe interprets religious law and can dismiss the president and declare war
A single person or small group exercises complete power over others (NOT inherited) A dictator often seizes control by force.A dictator often seizes control by force. In Latin American and African countries, dictators gain power through the military.In Latin American and African countries, dictators gain power through the military.
Ordinary citizens have no influence over the governmentOrdinary citizens have no influence over the government When a country is attacked it’s essential for strategies and plans to be made and implemented quicklyWhen a country is attacked it’s essential for strategies and plans to be made and implemented quickly
Organization of all the sovereign nation states in the world Organization of all the sovereign nation states in the world Goal- promote peace, prevent war, and encourage development of all nations Goal- promote peace, prevent war, and encourage development of all nations Everyone belongs to the General Assembly Everyone belongs to the General Assembly US, China, Russia, Britain, and France belong to the UN Security Council (send peace keeping forces to areas of conflict US, China, Russia, Britain, and France belong to the UN Security Council (send peace keeping forces to areas of conflict
What is the European Union? Collection of countries which are economically and politically dependent on each other Formed officially in 1951 as the ECSC Europe Day is May 9 Almost 500 million citizens (more people than U.S. with a lot less land)
Benefits of NAFTA Ag. exports under NAFTA = 258,000 U.S. jobs Average annual growth = $847 million Dismantling trade barriers = market integration Canada is # 1 U.S. export market Mexico is # 2 U.S. export market U.S. is #1 export market for both Canada and Mexico