Conflict Northern Ireland
Table of Contents – Europe Date Title Lesson # 10/30 Infrastructure 20 11/5 Review 21 **Europe Unit** 11/10 Cover Page/MAP 22 11/12 Industrial Revolution/Colonization 23 11/18 Essay Help 24 11/19 Conflict 25
Great Britain Northern Ireland Ireland
Background READ ONLY - The so-called "troubles" began in 1968 when Catholics demanded equal voting rights from the Protestant controlled parliament. - Demonstrations and protests began. - Later, the British army, originally brought in to keep the peace, became involved in the violence. - More than 3,700 people have died since the conflict began.
Northern Ireland 1. Who is fighting? - Irish Nationalists vs. British Loyalists - Irish = Catholic - British = Protestants 2. Nationalism Extreme pride in one’s country
Nationalism Frayer Model Directions: Complete the task described in each box for the word Nationalism. Nationalism A. Definition extreme pride in one’s country. B. Examples (provide 2 in addition to mine) 1. A US citizen bullies his student because he is from Canada. C. Sketch
Northern Ireland Reading Analysis Answer the questions below using the Northern Ireland reading. Reading Analysis Questions 3. Why are they fighting? (What does each side want?) Explain the background of the conflict.
Both sides march through each others’ neighborhoods. 5. How will these marches increase violence in the region? Protestants marching through Belfast. Catholics marching to Dumcree Church.
Google Earth Tour Questions: 6. How does art play a role in this conflict? British soldiers stand back after an Irish Nationalist protestor detonated a car bomb. The British Army sprays Irish Nationalists (Catholics) who are protesting the ban on marches with fire hoses.
- Masked gunmen are standing in front of an Ulster Freedom Fighters banner. - They fire their guns in the air at a Loyalist rally. - The group read a statement proclaiming that murdered loyalist volunteer force commander Billy Wright did not die in vain, before discharging a number of rounds into the air. Loyalist fighters. READ ONLY
The conflict has led to the creation of paramilitary groups. Northern Ireland The conflict has led to the creation of paramilitary groups. Paramilitary groups = civilian soldiers. Paramilitary Groups: 7. UVF – Ulster Volunteer Force, a Loyalist (Protestant) terrorist group 8. Clip Question How does the UVF use terrorism in this conflict?
Northern Ireland - Terrorism READ ONLY Northern Ireland - Terrorism In the mid-1970s, a subset of the UVF dubbed the Shankill Butchers (a group of UVF from Belfast's Shankill Road) carried out a grisly series of murders of Catholic civilians. Six of the victims were abducted at random, then beaten and tortured before having their throats slashed.
Foldable Directions Title Flap 1: NORTHERN IRELAND On the inside flap write the answers to the questions. On the outside flap leave room for a picture.
Northern Ireland – Foldable Directions Background – ADD TO YOUR FOLDABLE Explain who is fighting. Explain why they are fighting. Conclusion – ADD TO YOUR FOLDABLE (in complete sentences) 3. How does nationalism contribute to the conflict? 4. How does terrorism cause instability in this conflict? 5. Is this a religious conflict or a political conflict? Explain your answer.