ICCs Distribution worldwide How it all started… After the end of World War 2, members of Rotary France and of Rotary Germany decided to establish a new forum for Rotary`s activities with the aim of re- establishing friendship bonds and promoting peace.
Present situation Close to 300 ICCs have been created so far all over the world but they can be found still in only about 80 of the 206 countries where Rotary International clubs have been established.
Europe As shown in the map, the leading countries are France (41 ICCs), Germany (32) and Italy (23),Romania/Moldova (20) followed by Serbia (13 ICCs), Turkey, Austria, Portugal, Ukraine (12 ICCs each), Czech and Switzerland (9 each), Belgium and Poland (8 each) Countries like Great Britain and Ireland have only 2 ICCs and in the Scandinavian countries there is but one ICC, in Sweden. The same goes for many more European countries.
More data on ICC`s Distribution As per the latest official data on our hands, North and South America together number so far 34 ICCs. Africa 17 ICCs,the Asian continent 5 and Australia just one. In Israel, we have at present 16 ICCs
Why are ICCs important? ICCs offer Rotary districts and clubs an additional tool for fulfilling the aims of the 4 th avenue of service, the international service - which focuses on understanding, goodwill and peace worldwide.
A short list of ICCs water and sanitation projects We know that various water projects, mostly focused on bringing drinking water to needy and remote areas, have been carried out by the ICCs in the past few years: a project providing water to 3 villages in Argentina, another for the supply of water to the town of Douala - Cameroon, boreholes drilling in Morocco, water purification systems in Egypt, supply of 50 water filters in Mexico and many more.
Another example of water projects A huge 3 –year project for the securing of clean drinking water in all of the 1500 Lebanese public schools was initiated in the Rotary year by Lebanese ICC with the partnership of the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Health and the “Boecker” company.
A very special water project.A few years ago Dr. Amnon Shefi of High-Teach started an educational program in Israel “Youth Water and Knowledge”. “Hands Across Water” is an educational program sponsored by a GG and which is implemented in Israeli mixed Jewish-Arab schools. Dr. Gerald Sussman and Rotarian Brendan McGinnis from the USA are its main partners and sponsors.
ICCs` Mission ICCs, just like all of the Rotary organization, act mainly as ambassadors of goodwill and have no political agenda. Our main mission is to address humanitarian needs
T H A N K Y O U!! PDG Avner Fuchs ICC Water and Sanitation Symposium Chair October 15 th, 2015