FDR Offers Relief and Recovery Chapter 13 Section 1
Election of 1932 Herbert Hoover (R) Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
Hoover’s Ideas State and Local government should deal with depression relief As the Great Depression worsened so did Hoover’s support
Roosevelt’s Ideas “New Deal” –Believed federal government needed to play an active role in promoting recovery With strong leadership the Great Depression could be defeated
Roosevelt Wins November 1932 –Roosevelt wins with 57.4% of popular vote and 472 electoral votes
Franklin D. Roosevelt 32 nd President Democrat Inaugural Speech in 1933 –“only thing we have to fear is fear itself” –American Rhetoric: Franklin Delano Roosevelt - First Inaugural AddressAmerican Rhetoric: Franklin Delano Roosevelt - First Inaugural Address
First 100 Days 15 bills were proposed First New Deal –Three goals Relief – from hardships of depression Recovery- long term economic recovery Reform – prevent future depressions
Fireside Chats Radio broadcasts used by FDR to explain issues and New Deal plans –Topics Banking Crisis Work Relief Program National Defense European War
Financial System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation –Restore confidence in the economy with helping banks –Would allow for people to not lose savings in the bank
Tennessee Valley Authority Built a series of dams to help with floods and generate power