Somerset Cancer Register Catherine Donnelly and Elaine Farley
Quick Overview 2 Releases a year for the foreseeable future Projects – Interfacing, eTertiary, Apps New Product Development process Rolling 5-10 Year Plan Working Groups National Mandatory Audits R1 = audits, R2 = user led changes Interoperability: Interfacing – currently working on ADT – Admission, Discharge, Transfer – Other ideas are Pathology, Radiotherapy, Chemo Apps – AO Module, CNS App, Surgical App New Product Dev process – big ideas focussed on areas of the system e.g. Patient Event Diary, CNS module, MDT module, Acute Oncology module, redesign of individual Tumour Sites – CWT and COSD remain as core items, with site specific fields catered for. 5-10 year rolling plan will incorporate these projects and Product Development ideas Working Groups – we want to involve users of SCR in the requirements gathering activities to ensure we develop SCR in a way that will really benefit the wider user community – we’d like commitment from anyone contributing Product Development ideas to join a Working Group and also do some User Acceptance Testing to make sure the design works in the most common ‘real life’ situations.
Topics User Permissions SCR Data Views COSD Macmillan Recovery Package & HNA Spell Check (IE10>) Q&A These topics have been influenced by some of the queries that have come back in response to Helen’s email Bath, Bristol, Taunton and Weston have the latest release with the COSD 2015 dataset and the Breast Tumour Markers Data view Yeovil do not have it yet.
User Permissions User permissions determine what is available in the main menu screen.
Data Views Breast specific Data views General Data views Webinars: monthly sessions Information Teams may be able to provide regular extracts from the DB tables. Data views is your own access, but it will be up to the Cancer Manager and IT – each site policy will vary Specific Breast Data views are: Referrals, Diagnosis Detail, Mets, Complications, Surgery, Tumour Markers Can be joined with non site specific Data views for All Surgery, Care Plan MDT, CNS Contacts, COSD Key Items, Follow up, Investigations, Pathology, etc. Tumour Markers: Care ID NHS Number Hospital Number Full Name Report No Tumour Marker Date Multi Focal Tumour Indicator --Doesn't seem to be relevant for breast. RW, 12/05/2015 pS2 pS2 Score ER ER Score PR PR Score C-erb B2 C-erb B2 Score Bci-2 Bci-2 Score HER2 HER2 - FISH Multi Focal Tumour Indicator
Data view - Example Staging Data view with Pivot table
User Guides Excel ODBC – open db connection Pulling data, not pushing Can save onto desktop and refresh at intervals and the data will refresh as long as the connection is intact (you are online)
COSD COSD Download: monthly, date of diagnosis or updated records ICD10: C50, D05 and D48.6 Check Report Workbook for Data Completeness Blue Dots. User Access is required to access the downloads. Mapping documents available on the SCR website CORE COSD items and: Breast: Referrals, Imaging, Cancer Care Plan Surgery and other procedures, Staging (Clinical) Breast Pathology not included ICD10 – 4 digit codes included
COSD Click on COSD in Downloads, select the date range, type of report, e.g. COSD monthly download, or Date of Diagnosis or Updated and select the cancer site e.g. Breast. The records are divided into CTYA and adult records (CTYA COSD data items vary from the Adult items). Click on the relevant button and you’ll be prompted to open a Excel Workbook.
COSD Everyone has been upgraded except Yeovil, so all the new COSD items will be available. Breast workbook tabs are: Linkage items and Demographics Referral, Imaging, Diagnostic details, HNA details (new for 2015), MDT meetings (new for 2015), Care Plan, Clinical Trials, Staging (Clinical) Treatment, Pathology (core only), Recurrence, Death details, Content (clinical assessment info), 3 x imaging tabs for mammogram and ultrasound. The Check Report only captures the mandatory linkage items now (since 2015) so the Check Report will only flag up if mandatory items are missing, not the bulk of the data items – hence the work book is the best way to check for data completeness before uploading.
Spell Check Available in IE10 Chrome (unsupported)
Macmillan Recovery Package Treatment Summary Advisory Group meeting monthly eHNA Early discussions about A list of changes has been sent to Daniel Thomson, Project Manager for the Recovery Package, Macmillan – these changes have been collated by Daniel’s predecessor and I know that Hannah Marder contributed to this list. Monthly advisory group is meeting and they will determine what changes to make. R2 2016 or R2 2017 depending on when we receive the change request by. Also talks have just been held with Daniel about how the eHNA and Holistic Needs Assessments outputs, e.g. a PDF file, could be attached to an SCR record. The eHNA technical development tender is out at the moment – to include an app for smartphones. Earliest will be R2 2017.
eTertiary Tertiary Networks – SCR to SCR Phase 1 - Demographics, Referral and Diagnosis data Phase 2 – Core Investigations and Treatments SCR data sent to other systems What else? Phase 1 – one way from sender to Tertiary Centre and 1 referral only. CWT pathway – 2015/16 Phase 2 – more than one referral and core investigation and treatment data (not site specific at this point) - 2016/17 Phase 3 – two way feed so data can be passed back by Tertiary Centre to sender - 2018 Who’s interested? Will need formal agreement within Tertiary Networks and IT involvement to open up connections. Increasingly patients are being seen and dealt with across more than one site in the network. This seems to be more with complex cases. Co-ordinating results and clinical contact data is vital in these cases. The cancer resister is great for ‘in house’ continuity off data, but we are unable to share vital data across sites. When and how could this be resolved. It will become a key part of any future network data service. Questions for the Audience: patients being seen across more than one site in the Network – is this the Tertiary route or something else? Co-ordinating clinical contact data – the Consultant’s and CNS who have seen the patient? Does the eTertiary provide a part solution for future network data services – what’s missing?
eTertiary User permissions need to be set New tertiary referral menu Pending notification
The Future – eTertiary Admin screens Status – RAG system (able to set via admin screens for days when colour changes) View details – message audit details
Read Only SCR Option Request to Cancer Manager IT Involvement Admin Rights and Login Read Only access
Any questions? Breast Cancer Audit – any involvement, news? BCCOM – any news? What involvement if any?