Reform and Activism
Discussion What are some of the social problems we have in society today? How do we help solve these social problems?
Victorian Age Named after Queen Victoria Came to power in 1837 at 18 years old Queen for almost 64 years Reached height of wealth and power during her reign
Reforms Suffrage By 1890 most countries had universal male suffrage What does that mean? Between women’s suffrage gains momentum Through peaceful protests Organizations (WSPU) Didn’t get right to vote until after WWI
Australia/New Zealand Claimed by James Cook in 1769/1770 Maori people = New Zealand Aborigines = Australia (longest ongoing culture in the world) Australia ruled as a Penal Colony Place where they send convicts Why do you think they would do this? Didn’t want to overcrowd prisons After release prisoners could buy land and settle
U.S. Prison Facts United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners Imprisonment of America's 2.3 million prisoners, costing $24,000 per inmate per year, and $5.1 billion in new prison construction, consumes $60.3 billion in budget expenditures.
U.S. Prison Facts In the twenty-five years since the passage of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, the United States penal population rose from around 300,000 to more than two million.
Discussion What should we do to make sure we don’t over populate our prisons? Should we implement the death penalty more often and in all 50 states? Should we make penalties less severe for drug abuse? What could be the downside to that?
Australia Free Settlers Arrive in Australia Bring sheep Wool becomes biggest export British government offered land in Australia to encourage settlement 1851= Gold rush= Increase population
New Zealand Settlement grew more slowly Christians from Australia go to N.Z Created conflict Treaty in 1840 signed Maori accepted British rule but got to keep land Natives excluded from Gov. Disease killed natives Wars killed both Maori and Aborigines
Irish Independence Occupied by British since 1100’s The Great Famine 1840’s fungus ruined potatoes 1 million people died from starvation and disease 1.5 million left to the U.S. and other countries Lost land/debt Not until 1949 did it gain full independence
Assignment Choose 2 of 19 th century innovations Create a poster Include 4-5 pictures Needs to be colored Include 4 facts about each innovation. (8 total) Starts on pg *Take your time and make it nice. You are graded on your effort not how well you draw.