1 Town of Beit Ommar Beit Ommar Municipality February – 2011
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3 Geography Location: 12 Km North of Hebron city, 25 Km South of Jerusalem City. Population: 15,000. Area: 33,000 acre. Temperature (Celsius): July Average: 30, January Average: 12. Elevation: 978 m. Annual Precipitation: 600 mm. Income: Monthly Per Capita Income: $220. Predominant Industry: Light industrial, Stones & Marbles. Area of Agricultural Lands: 15,000 acre.
4 Public Services Telephone: Landlines Service available. Cell Phone: Service available. Municipal Services: –Electricity –Water –Health & Solid Waste –Infrastructure –Education & Culture Bank: Palestinian Investment Bank. 4
5 The town of Beit Ommar is rooted to the Canaanite age. it's believed to be the site of Biblical village of "Ma'arath". the town was a crossing for pilgrims convoys, to be supplied with water. The name "Beit Ommar" is derived from the Arabic words "Bayt Al-Omara". History
7 Population The town population is estimated 15,000 by % Females. 48% Males. 60% under % farmers. 90% literates.
8 Agriculture Agriculture is the main source of income in Beit Ommar. The town is well known of it's vineyards, Plums, Peach, and vegetables crops. The Agriculture in Beit Ommar recently affected by the Israeli blockade that prevents marketing of crops.
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10 Economy Beit Ommar economy is influenced by the broader regional economy in terms of jobs and overall economic activity. The most important economic activity is Agriculture. The town has an Industrial zone that contains stones, marbles and light industries. The community also has a strong foundation of community organizations & service providers.
11 Israeli Occupation Beit Ommar was occupied by Israeli Forces in The residents suffer of Israeli attacks. More than 10 were killed in the last 8 years. Hundreds of wounded. Hundreds of prisoners. Most of martyrs, wounds, and prisoners of children.
12 Israeli Settlements Beit Ommar is surrounded by settlements from 3 sides. More than 8000 donums of Beit Ommar farmlands were confiscated for settlements. The continuous expansion of the settlements threat more farmlands to be confiscated.
14 Effect of The Separation Wall The proposed path of the Israeli Separation wall will destroy more than 800 acre. The wall will isolate more than 7200 acres of farmlands. Hundreds of farmers would be prevented from access to their farms. The wall will hard hit the most fertile farmlands in Beit Ommar.
26 Beit Ommar Municipality Over the past 40 years BM has been the leading organization in providing Beit Ommar town with basic services and utilities. BM is the leading organization in coordinating and monitoring the town needs of infrastructure and entertaining utilities and basic needs of community. Beit Ommar Municipality has evolved in 1997 of the former village council which was established in 1966.
28 Vision The town of Beit Ommar will be a desirable place to live, invest and visit; where all people may enjoy a sustainable quality of life.
29 Mission To create a people centered & economically viable town where all have equal access to basic social services, education & skills enhancement programs, job and entrepreneurial opportunities. All enjoy a clean, sustainable environment, safety and security. All are governed by a participative, professional, transparent and accountable administration.
30 Organizational Chart Management PR & IT Unit Financial Dpt. AccountingTreasuryCollectionInventory Health & Environment Dpt. Water Dep. Eng. Dpt. Building Roads Elect. Dpt. SecretarialMunicipal Admin Correspondence
31 Municipal Services Water: provides residents with water through a water network. Electricity: provides residents with electricity through an electricity network. Health: Solid Waste Disposal, Public Health Awareness. Infrastructure: Roads, Rural Roads, Public Buildings. Education & Culture: Workshops, Capacity Building Programs, & IT Services.
32 Recent Projects Al-Sheikha Fatma Disabled Care Center Project. Rural Roads Project. Beit Ommar Women Association for Family Care Project. Maintenance of Electricity Network Project.
35 Construction of Domestic Routes Project. Al-Baq'a Street Project. Work Generation Project. Electric Prepaid Metering System Project. Capacity Building Project. Improve the Standards of living for Women. Beit Ommar Garden. Recent Projects
38 Municipal Strategic Objectives The Municipality Strategies in line with residents needs: Health: Hospital, Emergency Center. Infrastructure: Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Construction of new Rural Roads to facilitate access to distant farmlands. Municipal Services: Maintenance of Water & Electricity Networks. Entertainment: Improving the public garden.