Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rosemary Kayess
Introduction First Convention 21st Century –Adopted by the GA December 2006 Open for signature March 30, signatories, including Australia Entered into force 2008 Two instruments –Convention: 106 ratified, 153 signed –Optional Protocol: 63 ratified, 90 signed Human rights framework –Rights bearers
Background Disability ‘missing piece’ –International Bill of Human Rights “other status” –International Standards (soft law) Non-compliance –Policy failure jurisprudence –Disability and poverty Poorest of the poor MDG (2000)
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Unprecedented civil society involvement –Disabled persons’ organisations –Developing nations Thematic –No new rights Non-discrimination and substantive articles Civil & Political, Economic, Social & Cultural Implementation, capacity building –Disability context –50 articles
Innovations General obligations –Research, civil society engagement World Report Facilitation articles –General principles, women & children, awareness raising, accessibility, data & statistics Translated rights –Freedom from violence and abuse, protecting the integrity of the person, living independently, personal mobility Implementation measures –Situations of risk, rehabilitation and habilitation, access to justice, international cooperation