Counselling Skills level Three Week 14 Research and Skills
Session Objectives You will be invited to: Check in with self and others Watch and discuss a short counselling demonstration. Practise counselling skills in triads. Give and receive feedback Discuss your research ideas in two groups – plan, hypothesis, methodology, resources Receive copies of articles from counselling journals
Check-in How are you? Take five minutes to check in with yourself. How is your mind? How is your body? How is your spirit?
Using Counselling Skills – a short demonstration
Research Discussion Discuss your research ideas and plans in a seminar group. Plans, Hypothesis, Methodology, Resources.
Journal Articles The articles selected by you in the last session have been printed. When using them be aware of the dates and of any bias in the reporting. If you quote or paraphrase parts of the article or articles on line then the following may help…
Referencing Journals 1.Author/s of article 2.Year of journal it is in (in brackets) 3.Article title in ‘single inverted commas’ 4.Journal title in italics 5.Full stop 6.Volume 7.Issue (in brackets) 8.Page nos. 9.Full stop Example: Fuller, M., Bradley, A. & Healey, M. (2004) ‘Incorporating disabled students within an inclusive higher education environment’ Disability and Society: the Leading Journal in Disability Studies. 19 (5) pp If the journal does not have a Volume and issue number, note the Month or Quarter instead E.g. Spring, pp (From a DTLLS session given by M. Sullivan)
Referencing Electronic/On-line Journals For electronic journals include the following additional information after the page numbers: URL (i.e. web address)URL (i.e. web address) Date you accessed the journal, [in square brackets]Date you accessed the journal, [in square brackets] Full stopFull stop (from a session given by M. Sullivan)(from a session given by M. Sullivan)
Interviews What information do you need to for your research? Who are you going to ask to participate? How many people will be asked to participate? Are you going to record the session or make notes? What are you going to do with the information obtained? Ethical considerations. Anonymity, limited access? Do you need the permission of individuals or organisations before you proceed.
Questionnaires What do you want to find out? Are you asking the right questions? Are the questions clear? Are the questions asked Open? Closed? Leading? Have you left sufficient space on the page for the answers? Are there too many/too few questions? Who will answer your questions? When? Are then any ethical issues to consider? Suggestion: Invite others in the group to comment on your questionnaire – they may spot problems which you have missed.
Practising Listening Skills in Triads Let the speaker know what is on offer (time, confidentiality, understanding, respect and congruence) Listen carefully to the speaker. Reflect back content and feelings, tentatively. Check that you have understood the speaker correctly Support expression of feelings. Give the speaker time. Let the speaker know when the session is coming to an end. Offer to summarize the session. Close. Give and receive feedback – hand in completed forms.
Enjoy your break!