Daily Life of Romans Now you will learn: The daily lives of Romans revolved around family, religion, and social class, as well as sports and public entertainment. Essential Questions: 1.How were the family and society organized? 2.What were the religious beliefs of the Romans? 3.What was life like in Roman cities?
Daily Life of Romans Vocabulary – Define the following terms. aqueducts Colosseum gladiators shrine Only four vocabulary words? Where’s the EASY button?
Family and Society Fathers were the head of the Roman family. They owned the property and had control over all family members Women were expected to run the household and raise children They did have some rights like inheriting property and running businesses when husbands were away I am BEAutiful!
Family and Society Most children received some education at home but only boys from wealthy families could attend private schools Girls usually learned household skills and were married by age 14 Upper class – patricians Middle class – business leaders and officials Lower class – farmers????? Slaves – up to 1/3 of the population, revolts common Most famous slave revolt was led by Spartacus
Roman Beliefs Romans believed that spirits lived all around Greeks affected Roman religion Religion and government were linked Priests were government officials Emperor was head of the church Roman gods were symbols of the state DescriptionGreekRoman Supreme GodZeusJupiter Supreme GoddessHeraJuno God of the SeaPoseidonNeptune God of musicApollo Goddess of loveAphroditeVenus God of warAresMars
Life in Roman Cities #1 #3 #4 #2