C o m p a r i n g M y t h i c a l C h a r a c t e r s Starring Ares and Hulk Raonaq Zahid
A r e s ( G r e e k )
Hulk (Contemporary)
Ares Bio ---- G r e e k G o d o f W a r ---- O n e o f t h e T w e l v e O l y m p i a n s ---- S o n o f Z e u s a n d H e r a ---- A d a n g e r o u s f o r c e, d e s t r u c t i v e, a n d o v e r w h e l m i n g ”
Hulk Bio -Real name (Human Form): Robert Bruce Banner -Weighs at 1, 150 lbs. -Height : 7’6” -Part of “The Avengers” - Mr. Banner was irradiated by gamma energy -Giving him the ability to turn in to Hulk when mad
A r e s B a c k g r o u n d S t o r y Ares was the second born of Zeus. He hated his brother, Apollo (the first born) because Ares lost any right of ruling Olympus after Zeus. Hera had encouraged his anger to the point where he became the God of War and the Feared God of Olympus.
Hulk Background Story Robert Bruce Banner was studying to become a doctor. Banner had eventually gotten a doctorate in nuclear physics. One day, Robert was experimenting a gamma bomb. At the site, a teen was walking onto the testing field, Banner attempted to save him… ctd. on next slide
Hulk Background Story Continued The attempt was successful but, Bruce got hit full on by the blast from the bomb. Mr. Banner survived the blast but, was irradiated by gamma energy. That was when the Hulk was born.
Citations Pt. 1 hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// mmmm aaaa rrrr vvvv eeee llll.... cccc oooo mmmm //// uuuu nnnn iiii vvvv eeee rrrr ssss eeee //// HHHH uuuu llll kkkk ____ (((( BBBB rrrr uuuu cccc eeee ____ BBBB aaaa nnnn nnnn eeee rrrr hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... aaaa nnnn gggg eeee llll ffff iiii rrrr eeee.... cccc oooo mmmm //// pppp llll aaaa nnnn eeee tttt //// mmmm yyyy tttt hhhh gggg uuuu iiii dddd eeee //// aaaa rrrr eeee ssss mmmm aaaa rrrr ssss.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// ffff cccc dddd eeee vvvv iiii aaaa nnnn tttt aaaa rrrr tttt.... nnnn eeee tttt //// ffff ssss //// ffff //// //// //// aaaa //// 3333 //// AAAA rrrr eeee ssss ____ bbbb yyyy ____ GGGG EEEE NNNN ZZZZ OOOO MMMM AAAA NNNN.... jjjj pppp gggg
Citations Pt. 2 m/albums/z193/jubal- dillon-vids/hulkchains.jpg m/albums/z193/jubal- dillon-vids/hulkchains.jpg