The Maritime Alliance Symposium on Desalination LFNano™ Membrane System January 28, 2011
Who is DXV Slide 1 40 years of running water treatment Saigon Long Beach Anaheim
Alter contaminants or remove them Slide 2 Physical removal can be expensive Chemical Biological Physical
Like your house’s air filter… Slide 3 …water treatment membranes clog up
Washable filters save money at home… Slide 4 …but require a little more work
Cleaning frequency … Slide 5 … fewer is better 1 to 2 times per year
Water treatment membranes get washed Slide 6 …10,000 to 25,000 times per year “Membrane Fouling”
Low Fouling Nanofiltration Slide 7 Unique element configuration Commercially available flat sheet NF Feed water circulation Online fouling avoidance system Unique element configuration Commercially available flat sheet NF Feed water circulation Online fouling avoidance system No Chemicals
LFNano™ Pilot Tests Slide 8 Second generation pilots currently operating
LFNano™ Pilot Test – WWTP Effluent Slide 9 10 minutes8 months TraditionalLFNano™ Time to 5 PSI Pressure Drop
Significance? Slide 10 Low cost physical barrier New membrane economics Modular/scalable Direct membrane treatment of wastewater Low cost physical barrier New membrane economics Modular/scalable Direct membrane treatment of wastewater
Applications Slide 11 Water reclamation RO pretreatment Drinking water Wastewater treatment
Fouling Limits Membrane Adoption Slide 12 ‘The next great water technology will be the one that finds a solution to membrane fouling.’ -- Christopher Gasson Editor, Global Water Intelligence October 2010
Contact: Michael Motherway (714) Questions?