Date: October 26, 2015 Aim #20: What functions do lipids serve to living organisms? HW: 1) Carbohydrates Worksheet 2)Guided Reading 2-3 due day of test 3)Biochemistry Test- Thursday 10/29 & Friday 10/30 (day of double period) 4)Quarterly Exam- next Thursday 11/5 & Friday 11/6 (day of double period) Do Now: Warm-Up Notebook DateTitle of Activity Page # 10/26Carbohydrates35
1) What is another word for lipids? Fats
What are some characteristics of lipids? Lipids are hydrophobic 2) What does that mean? Water Fearing
3) What are lipids used for in our bodies? a)Energy storage- lipids are large molecules that store a lot of energy They have more energy than glucose!!
3) What are lipids used for in our bodies? b)Structural (phospholipids)- major component of cell membrane Glycerol and two fatty acid chains and one phosphate group
3) What are lipids used for in our bodies? c)Hormones (steroids)- some hormones are steroids (chemical messengers) Examples: testosterone and cholesterol
4) What are lipids made up of? A triglyceride consists of a Glycerol molecule and 3 Fatty Acid chains Triglyceride
Fats can be Saturated or Unsaturated Can you see the difference? Unsaturated fats have double bonds in the fatty acid chains
5) What is the difference between unsaturated and saturated Fats? Saturated fats have fatty acid chains that contain the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms (all single bonds). Diets rich in saturated fats can lead to the build up of plaques in blood vessels.