R-controlled vowel patterns Kathy Stewart Wise Co. Public Schools Reading Resource SOL 2.4b
Bossy “r” The letter “r” is a very bossy consonant and can make the vowels do different sounds. Listen to, read, and spell words that have the different sounds.
Vowel Sound Vowel Sound Essentials -ar tar far hard argue star car
The Car RaceCar
Vowel Sound Vowel Sound Essentials -or corn more for tore horse glory
My Horse GloryHorse
Vowel Vowel Essentials -er fern her winter were thunder herd
Vowel Sound Vowel Sound Essentials -ir bird third sir dirt flirt shirt
Vowel Sound Vowel Sound Essentials -ur turn burn churn surf curl urn
SurferSurfer Girl
Vowel-r Vowel-r sort ar - - orir
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