Toolooa SHS BYOD Parent Information Night
Why is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)happening? The current hire devices were Federally funded and the funding has stopped. These 250+ devices will go out of warranty at the end of this year. The school does not have the money to replace them. The costs to continue to take home devices will be too expensive for parents and school to sustain. There is a Worldwide trend to allow personal devices, connectivity to corporate / educational networks
Infrastructure changes we are making to move to BYOD Bandwidth Upgrade – Increases internet speed Wireless upgrade – allows more wireless devices to connect to our network Purchase of a Connection Solution – allow access of non EQ devices, access to our network and internet. Investment in Staff professional development
Infrastructure changes we are making to move to BYOD Establishment of an equity pool – will allow teachers to borrow a trolley of laptops for a lesson Implementation of QOS (Quality of Service) software, to manage bandwidth. This service prioritises internet connection so that students accessing educational websites get first preference and will access the internet quickly.
How does a BYO device connect? The connection solution detects the non-EQ device, assesses the type of device and virus protection and then allows the student to log on to the network, using their EQ ID and password. Once logged in, students will have access to the network and school filtered internet At this stage, only one device will be allowed to connect. There will be no mobile phones allowed to connect.
What kind of device is acceptable for BYOD? Meets the minimum specifications (see handout) We are willing to be flexible on this. If you have a device that is very close to the specifications, please check with us. Devices with 6+ hours battery life. Again, we can be flexible on this but there will be no charging allowed at school. If the device has a battery life of 3hours, there may be portions of the day that the device cannot be used. Has updated virus/malaware protection
What kind of device is acceptable for BYOD? Windows notebooks and laptops Tablet devices (iPad and Microsoft Surface) Mac Devices
What will not be compatible? Android Devices Chromebook iPad Mini Any device that has a 10 inch screen or smaller.
Other Requirements Any device which is to be used as part of the BYOD program will need to be registered with the school. Students are responsible for their devices and both the student and parent are required to read and accept the Acceptable Use Policy and Student Participation Agreement Form.
Other Requirements 3G connection will not be allowed and will have to removed by parents or password protected. Students should not be able to use unfiltered internet while at school. “Hot spotting” to a 3G device is also breaking the department’s Acceptable Use Policy.
Other Requirements A small fee of $50 per year will be charged to all students bringing a device which will have access to the school’s wifi and network. This cost will support the infrastructure changes required to support a BYOD program, increased internet access provided to students and the security software required to allow students access to the network.
Recommendations Protective case / cover (highly recommended) Headphones (optional) External Bluetooth keyboard (in the case of tablet devices)
Recommendations Download the free Microsoft Office To install, students will need to use their EQ ID and password.
Recommendations When purchasing a device, it is important to check the warranty details as some companies are offering three year on site warranties. This means that if something goes wrong with the device, the problem can be logged and a technician will come to the school and fix the device within hours. Some companies even offer a replacement device while the device is being fixed. Other companies may offer a warranty but it may mean that you have to send the device away and this would mean long periods without the device. Please note that the school will not be involved in any way with warranty and insurance claims. This will be between the purchaser and the retailer.
Recommendations We would advise parents to consider purchasing Accidental Damage Protection for the BYOD device. Some House Insurance Policies may cover devices when they are at alternate sites, such as the student’s school. There may be a requirement to individually list this device. Close examination of these damage protection and insurance documents and consultation with your insurance representatives, is highly recommended.
Warranty vs accidental damage vs insurance vs careless Warranty – fault with the hardware or a manufacturing fault Accidental damage – oops, broke something (Needs ADP cover, available for extra cost) Insurance – theft, etc (Parent responsibility, part of household policy) Careless – eg. object between screen and keyboard (No cover – full cost of repair)
Security, Theft and Damage Protective equipment such as bags or cases need to be considered by the student, to keep these devices safe while at school. It is the responsibility of the student to look after their devices at school and keep securely in bags when not in use. Where classrooms, like the Resource Centre (Library), have port racks outside, students should bring valuable devices inside with them, during class time and lunch time. While Toolooa SHS will continue to deal with inappropriate behaviour in line with existing policies, Toolooa SHS is not liable for any damage or replacement costs incurred while the device is at school.
Student Responsibilities Battery charge to last all school day. Backups to external storage. Loss of data is NOT reason for extension or non-submission. No software to interfere with school systems. Adhere to Acceptable Use Policy.
Use of devices in the classroom Devices used only when teacher requires. They will not be used 100% of the time. It is important that students still use a pen and paper and follow the Book Work Policy. Playing games prohibited at school, except where part of curriculum Interference or attempts to interfere with the school network prohibited Consequences as per Responsible Behaviour Plan
Purchasing? Local suppliers Parent portals – Acer, Dell. Possibility of HP Portal Please check warranties and repair procedures.