Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 Sea Level Rise & Coastal Resiliency Jon K. Miller 1 & Thomas O. Herrington 2 1 Stevens/NJ Sea Grant Coastal Processes Specialist 2 Assistant Director Center for Maritime Systems
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 Problem Statement + + = ++
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 Problem Statement + + = ++
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 Term 1
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 Problem Statement + + = ++
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 Problem Statement + + = ++
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 RISK = THREAT x VULNERABILITY x COST Threat – frequency of potential events Threat – frequency of potential events Natural process can not influence (short term) Natural process can not influence (short term) Vulnerability – probability of a given threat impacting a given area Vulnerability – probability of a given threat impacting a given area Cost – value of assets in a given area Cost – value of assets in a given area
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 What do we do? Plan
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, (temporary) (future)
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 NOAA CSC
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Tool
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 Coming Soon… Mapping Storm Surge Zones A mapping application is being developed that allows users to see how potential storm surge might impact critical facilities, infrastructure, vulnerable populations, etc. Shallow coastal flooding advisories are being coupled with storm surge zones and hazards planning data. Community Resilience and Vulnerability Assessment Tool This product, in the final stages of development, will help communities assess their vulnerability and resilience to weather and climate hazards and develop strategies for mitigation and adaptation. Case studies will provide examples of how risk, vulnerability, and resilience data can be used for multiple planning purposes.
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 What can we do? 1. Understand the risk statewide threats, vulnerabilities, costs 2. Identify priority areas protect at all costs – retreat – preservation 3. Make sure emergency management plans reflect the current state of knowledge 4. Begin to build in resiliency or redundancy 5. Get county & local buy in - public support
Sustainable/Resilient Communities in Monmouth County September 10, 2008 Landscapes of the Future?