Members Arun Kumar, Chair S Dasappa Atul Raturi Fernando Y. Roxas Katsia Paulavets Sharizad Dahlan, Rapporteur
Questions to be addressed 1. What are the regional research needs on sustainable energy? How can ICSU contribute in addressing these needs? What is ICSU’s unique niche? 2. What capabilities can be strengthened by ICSU's work on sustainable energy? 3. Who are the key stakeholders across the region with whom ICSU should explore options for partnerships? What mechanisms exist in the region for engaging with policy- makers, business, and other stakeholders? How can ICSU build on these? 4. What are the potential funding sources?
Have not done resource mapping and demand mapping. Lack of primary data in most developing nations. This is where ICSU can come in. IRENA has started to develop resource map. Doing need analysis. UNESCAP Until the countries participate, it will not work. A workable policy has to be in place in order for this to work Data sharing – open access. ICSU can fund data assessment. Energy from municipal solid waste What are the regional research needs on sustainable energy? How can ICSU contribute in addressing these needs? What is ICSU’s unique niche?
Regional research needs – technology, experts, institutions database. Sustainable energy programme - Specific research area – Integration of renewable energy resources into the national grid Development of smart grid Demand side management – one of the research areas Energy efficiency – reducing the load; scheduling and despatch Social and energy research Environment impact assessment for different energy options International Lake Environment Committee (ILEC) Business models for energy
How can ICSU contribute? Provides networking and scientific leadership Provides scientific background
What capabilities can be strengthened by ICSU’s work on sustainable energy? Successful case studies / best practices can be brought together Information dissemination Networking with individuals and groups Provide seed funding for major research and extension programmes
Key stakeholders Key stakeholders Relevant Ministries i.e Science, Education, Energy, Agriculture, Finance etc Research groups / institutions Private sectors e.g housing, transportation, industry
Mechanisms Energy discussion forum Sub-regional forum ICSU to act as catalyst for seed funding
What are the potential funding sources? EU National funding agencies Global Environment Facility (GEF) World Bank JICA DFID and many other bilateral, multilateral funding agencies