What is Genocide The term "genocide" did not exist before 1944 Polish-Jewish lawyer named Raphel Lemkin came up with the word combining geno-, from the Greek word for race or tribe, with -cide, from the Latin word for killing.
What is Genocide Cont Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
Key Terms Oppression Discrimination Harsh or cruel treatment of people over a prolonged period of time Physical and mental mistreatment Discrimination Unfair treatment of a group based on prejudice or preconceived notions about that group, or social class. People are treated different than the rest of society because of race, religion, gender, ethnic group or social class
Key Terms Genocide Ethnic Cleansing Deliberate and systematic effort to exterminate all members of an ethnic, religious, or national group Ethnic Cleansing Forcibly remove an ethnic group from an area and make it available for settlement by another group
Where has genocide occurred Armenia 1915-1918 Stalin’s forced famine 1932-1933 Holocaust 1938-1945 Cambodia 1975-79 Bosnia-Herzegovinia 1992-1995 Rwanda 1994
Armenia 1915-1918 1.5 million Armenians were murdered, deported, or forced into the desert where they starved to death
Stalin’s forced famine 1932-1933 Ukraine citizens wanted independence from Stalin’s rule He caused a famine Estimated 7 million died
Holocaust 1938-1945 6 million people were killed by the Nazi’s during WWII
Cambodia 1975-1979 2,000,000 deaths Led by Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge Wanted to create an agrarian communist society
Bosnia-Herzegovinia 1992-1995 200,000 deaths Serbs against the Muslims in Bosnia
Rwanda 1994 Hutu’s of Rwanda used propaganda through the radio to kill the Tutsi’ s in Rwanda 1 million deaths