3/2/11 BR- Read and respond.. Although archeologists have found evidence of people living on the hills near the Tiber River that dates back to 753 BCE most Romans would say their city was founded by _______ or ________ Today: SIC SEMPER TYRANNUS! The City of Rome Expands – The Last King and The Founding of the Roman Republic
- Latin speaking people around Rome, Greeks in the south. - “Romans” are ruled by Etruscan kings - Etruscans were people from the north - People or Rome “borrowed” Etruscan architecture, temples, city planning (sewers!) and religion (augury- bloody livers and spleens)
The Story of Lucretia Refer vs. Infer –Refer (reference) – to go to specific place in the text. E.g. Bob was killed by Joe. Where did you see that? “I refer to p. 6 paragraph 7!” –Infer (inference) – nothing in the text specifically says that. “seeing what isn’t there.” Frank hangs around only with white people. Frank often talks about how cool Hitler was. He has several tattoos on his body praising the “pure white race.” We can infer that Frank is a white supremist.
To do now! Read the story of Lucretia (pp ) Get together with a partner (or on your own) Use reference and inference. –1. Reference Who was the first king of Rome? How long was Rome ruled by a king? Who was the brother of Lucretia
To do now! Use reference and inference. –2. Inference From the same passage, write (in a complete sentence) one inference you can make about Romans. Also, explain how or why you are making that inference