Leave out “senator advenit.” Cogitate et respondite de fabula: Ubi? Quis? Quid? Locate the Perfect Passive Participle (Line 23): ““ Present Active Participle (Line 2):
“Memor rem suscipit” I Fabula formarum virgarum!!! Non necesse est vobis scribere fabulam. ***TEST ON THURSDAY***
“Memor rem suscipit” II Pick a partner Translate EITHER Memor’s or Cephalus’ lines for praescriptum domesticum Practice speaking the Latin Some pairs will present in English, others in Latin Practice gestures, expressions…bring props, even! (sed NON vinum!)
Sort the following participles into two columns (Present Active vs. Perfect Passive) vocantibuslaudatōagens actae laudantemmissīs
“Memor rem suscipit” II Two pairs – English Two pairs – Latin
Count as ONE Assignment Word Patterns pg. 15, Parts C, D, and E (all) PTL pg. 16, Parts B & D (odd numbers only) You don’t have to write out the sentences in Latin, just the translation
Take out book. Read culture section. (Stage 21) (PAGE 18)
Culture: Aquae Sulis Read culture section (pg. 18) PollEverywhere Word Study Study Guide
V I N C O!
Thursday - Test
Calescite! Next to each participle, write PA (Present Active) or PP (Perfect Passive). 1.stans 2.tenentem 3.datum 4.laudantibus 5.vocatīs 6.amantum 7.amatum
Model Sentences – pg. 28 TRANSLATION RACE!!! TWO TEAMS- who can translate most accurately & quickly??? After your team finishes each set, I must check it before you continue…
Vilbia – pg. 30 Translate beginning as a class Translate as either VILBIA or RUBRIA Due tomorrow – Revising activity with others who have your role NOTEBOOKS FRIDAY!