Advantages of STR Analysis Compares specific genetic markers, not whole genome. Can be used for tiny samples or degraded samples because it makes many copies of sample.
STR Analysis Procedure 1. Isolate DNA 2. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Amplify (make copies) of specific loci 3. Electrophoresis - Sort fragments 4. Visualize fragments - can use various methods: Southern Blot, Stain Gel & UV Light, Fluorescent Tags
STEP 1. Extract DNA from cell Break cell membrane – release nucleus Open nucleus - release DNA protect DNA from enzymes Separate from other cell parts DNA must be precipitated un-dissolved from solution
STEP 2. PCR Procedure Heat DNA - strands unzip (denature) 2. Cool 3. Add - Primers - “starter pieces” of DNA bind (anneal) - to complementary sequences at beginning of specific loci - DNA polymerase - “replicator machine” - Nucleotides (AGCT) building blocks 4. Heat to 75° C – DNA polymerization
DNA Amplification with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Separate strands (denature) 5’ 3’ Starting DNA Template 5’ 3’ Add primers (anneal) 5’ 3’ Forward primer Reverse primer 5’ 3’ Make copies (extend primers)
PCR Copies DNA Exponentially through Multiple Thermal Cycles Original DNA target region Thermal cycle Thermal cycle Thermal cycle In 32 cycles at 100% efficiency, 1.07 billion copies of targeted DNA region are created Each cycle takes less than 2 minutes from start to finish.
STEP 3. Electrophoresis
STEP 4. Visualization of STR Alleles Southern Blot & Autoradiography – with radioactive probes & X-ray. Gel may be stained and visualized with UV light after electrophoresis is complete. Fluorescent tags can be added to primer before running gel. AATG GCTCATA CTAATGCCCGTA
Fluorescent dye labels AATG GCTCATA CTAATGCCCGTA GCTCATA AATG AATG CTAATGCCCGTA GCTCATA AATG AATG AATG CTAATGCCCGTA GCTCATA AATG AATG AATG AATG CTAATGCCCGTA GCTCATA AATG AATG CTAATGCCCGTA For a specific loci there are many different alleles Each allele varies in length due to the number of STR’s in the middle of the segment
How many loci were tested for each individual? Each person has 2 alleles for a locus. M/D The resulting pattern of an STR sequence for a single locus has either 1 or 2 bands Can be homozygous or heterozygous for each locus. 1 band = homozygous – both fragments same length 2 bands = heterozygous – different fragment lengths 13 repeats 12 repeats 11 repeats 10 repeats 9 repeats 12 repeats 8 repeats 7 repeats 6 repeats 5 repeats 4 repeats 3 repeats How many loci were tested for each individual?
An autoradadiogram has several lanes containing DNA ladders. Each band in these lanes contains a known length of DNA - # of base pairs Used for comparison to determine the length of unknown DNA bands in other lanes. Determine # bp - Use to determine # of STR repeats
To be a match - every fragment must match up.
Should this person be convicted of rape? Rape cases separate male faction (sperm) DNA from female faction (epithelial) DNA compare with DNA from blood Should this person be convicted of rape?
How many loci were tested for each individual? Paternity cases can be used to determine the parents of a child, to identify a child’s remains, in sibling analysis and inheritance right cases. How many loci were tested for each individual? Is each child the biological offspring of both parents? Remember, each line represents one allele. Each allele for each child is inherited from one of his/her parents.
FBI’s CODIS DNA Database Combined DNA Index System Links serial crimes & unsolved cases with repeat offenders 13 STR’s TPOX D3S1358 TH01 D8S1179 D5S818 VWA FGA D7S820 CSF1PO AMEL D13S317 AMEL D16S539 D18S51 D21S11