EPSRC Fellowships in ICT (and a few other schemes) Matt Davis BEAMS School Research Facilitators
‘Working Together’ ‘We see working together across the ICT research landscape and with other disciplines as a priority for the ICT Theme.’ ‘For example, when developing computer architectures, in order to fully exploit new technology it is becoming increasingly important that researchers from traditionally hardware and software focussed areas work together.’
EPSRC Priority Areas in ICT 1.Towards an intelligent information infrastructure 2.Many-core architectures and concurrency in distributed and embedded systems 3.Photonics for future systems 4.New and emerging areas ‘We wish to stimulate and encourage research that aims to address these priorities’
1. Towards an intelligent information infrastructure (TI3) ‘With the increasing emphasis on ubiquitous computing and the surge of information (data) it generates, there needs to be smarter computing architectures, sustainable networks and secure storage solutions, as well as the capabilities to understand and efficiently manage the content within existing data.’
2. Many-core architectures and concurrency in distributed and embedded systems ‘There has already been a shift by industry to multiple cores but there are aspirations to move further, to many cores. A wealth of opportunities exists if an architecture containing hundreds or thousands of cores can be properly exploited, but massive parallelism raises challenges in both the hardware and software research areas.’
4. New and Emerging areas in ICT ‘To be “new and emerging” an area needs to comprise something more than an advance, however significant, within an established field. It must be genuinely disruptive, offering real potential to significantly alter current practise in research or industry.’ ‘Examples of translational new and emerging areas for ICT include Quantum Information Processing and carbon-based electronics.’
Fellowships funded so far Dr T Jones, University of Cambridge: M3: Managing Many-Cores for the Masses Dr B Motik, University of Oxford: MaSI3: A Massively Scalable Intelligent Information Infrastructure Professor H Haas, University of Edinburgh: Tackling the looming spectrum crisis in Wireless Communication Dr M Hague, Royal Holloway, University of London: Verification of Concurrent and Higher-Order Recursive Programs orkingtogether/Pages/examples.aspx
Postdoctoral funding Royal Academy of Engineering Leverhulme Trust Royal Commission of 1851 Royal Society Marie Curie European Research Council Starting Grant Research Grant: Named researcher Research Grant: Researcher-co-Investigator
EPSRC Doctoral Prize Postdoctoral fellowships of 2 year's duration Allows students to advance their PhD research as fellows Must name at least one UCL co-investigator Should be discrete research programmes, building significantly on work undertaken during the PhD, and containing substantive new work Salary + limited research and travel costs Must be within the EPSRC funding remit The candidate must submit their PhD before the project funding begins UCL aims to support around 7 per year Deadline = 31 August
Support from BEAMS facilitators One-to-one support Commenting on drafts Advice on sections: Pathways to Impact etc. Mock panel? Support within department (pitch your idea to colleagues, mentoring)?