This manual is a clear proof of “Fan S. Noli” University’s commitment to assure its internal quality. It demonstrates not only that IQA is relevant to its management agenda, but also that this institution is developing a safe, continuous and long term its quality processes. More specifically, the document provides a detailed description of the IQA process implemented at “Fan S. Noli” University and the structures involved in order to achieve quality assurance at the unit and institution level.
IQA can be considered as the “engine” of overall institutional improvement. Similarly its establishment is a clear statement of intent by the university’s management on behalf of the university staff and its students to continuously improve its quality. Therefore the internal assurance of quality is not considered as a one-time activity, but rather a continuous enhancement process that leads to the fulfillment of the university’s goals and objectives that derive from its stated mission. The implementation of internal quality assurance at institutional level can be defined as the development of the quality assurance process and the establishment of the quality assurance structures, human resources, financial support, deadlines and application strategies to support the implementation of this process at UNIKO.
The IQAU was established to provide the required professionalism in insuring quality within the institution. It plays a central role in the internal quality assurance process. The key components of the internal quality assurance process implemented at University “Fan S. Noli” are: Quality assessment Quality improvement actions Logical framework of Quality implementation
VISION To establish a University academic context that meets the standards of the National Framework of Quality Assurance. MISSION To build a sustainable system of structures, of human resources and of key performance indicators, which assist the continuous improvement of the University quality.
Self-assessment or self-evaluation is generally considered as the most important link in the process of internal quality assurance. Its basic objective should be to provide information about quality to the decision-makers who are responsible for the improvement of quality in the institution. The results of self-assessment are embedded in a self-evaluation report, which also serves as a basis for external quality assessment and accreditation.
To close the quality circle the institution designs an improvement plan based on the self-evaluation report; this being either an immediate strategic strategy, or an analysis of the Final Annual Report of the Teaching, Learning, Research and Financial Activity Report. In the University “Fan S. Noli” the IQAU takes a leading role in the follow-up process trying to promote an active use of evaluation results by the institution decision-makers thus contributing to the creation of a quality culture within the institution. It is responsible for drafting the quality improvement action plan, coordinates its implementation, checks progress and proposes the necessary corrective actions if they may be deemed necessary to achieve the desired objectives.