STI - Group Challenge. STI PAST HISTORY TREE Choose Teams A.Men / Boys B.Woman / Girls.


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Presentation transcript:

STI - Group Challenge


Choose Teams A.Men / Boys B.Woman / Girls

A serious infection of the female reproductive organs that can be caused by chlamydia is 1.Pelvic inflammatory disease 2.Genital Warts 3.Syphilis 4.Trichomoniasis

An STI that cannot be treated with antibiotics is 1.Gonorrhea 2.Chlamydia 3.HPV 4.Syphilis

The virus that causes AIDS is 1.Herpes 2.HPV 3.PID 4.HIV

HIV destroys 1.Neurons 2.Antibodies 3.T Cells 4.B Cells

Which STI can cause cervical cancer? 1.Chlamydia 2.Trichomoniasis 3.Genital Herpes 4.Human Papilioma Virus

The most common STI in the United States caused by bacteria 1.Chlamydia 2.Syphilis 3.Gonorrhea 4.Hepatitis 5.Trichomoniasis

Team Scores PointsTeamPointsTeam

Pelvic Inflammatory disease, if left untreated can cause 1.Blindness 2.Mental Illness 3.Infertility 4.Genital Warts 5.You to look like Justin Bieber

A chancre is 1.A sore that appears on the site of the exposure 2.A form of STI that attacks the penis 3.A rash that forms after exposure 4.A sore associated with gonorrhea 5.Aliens from Pluto

Herpes Simplex 1 is genital herpes. 1.True 2.False

This is spread by blood, semen 1.Syphilis 2.Chlamydia 3.Hepatitis 4.Trichomoniasis 5.Chancre

In the second stage of syphilis 1.The loss of hair takes place 2.A rash takes place 3.Sleepiness takes place 4.Mental Illness takes place 5.Extreme anger take place

Which of these behaviors is not a way to protect yourself from HIV 1.Avoiding contact with blood 2.Practicing Abstinence 3.Avoiding Alcohol 4.Sharing needles

Team Scores PointsTeamPointsTeam

Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant

A reduced ability to have children is 1.STI 2.Epidemic 3.Infertility 4.Abstinence 5.Viagra

Ejaculation has to occur in order to contract most STI’s 1.True 2.False

Girls are more open to getting STI’s because they have a closed sexual system. 1.True 2.False

Bonus 50 points: There is little to no risk to give & contract an STI if there is no contact between the penis, vagina, mouth or anus. 1.True 2.False

50 point Bonus: A safe partner is someone who has not had sex for 1 year and has no abnormalities or signs of STI’s? 1.True 2.False

Team Scores PointsTeamPointsTeam

Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant