EPSY 8334 Research in Counseling Psychology
Class Goals Application of Research Designs and Statistical Analyses Consume psychological research Conduct psychological research
Class Objective #1 Psychotherapy Outcome Research Issues in conducting and interpreting therapy outcome studies: Experimental designs Applicability of “empirically validated” treatments to practice: The therapy manual Evidence-based practice in psychology: APA 2006
Class Objective #2 Development of Research Skills Interpretation of Methods and Results sections: Correlational designs Conceptualization of research question(s) Review and synthesis of the literature Development of logical framework that leads to research question Research project presentation skills
Products Class Attendance and Participation: Discussion assignments (page 5) Written Assignments Two Short Review/Synthesis Papers
Products Class Presentation: Research Proposal Class Presentation: Manual Empirically Validated Treatment
Written Assignments Evaluate research articles in your area of interest Evaluate a research article that reports on the development of a scale, preferably of a construct in your area of interest
Short Review/Synthesis Papers Identify a research question that can be answered by reviewing a series of research articles (8 to 12 articles) Write a two-to-three, double- spaced page essay
Examples of Questions What is the incidence of eating disorders among adolescent girls? Is career indecision as measured by the CDS a multifactorial or a one- dimensional construct? What are the predictors of college attainment among Hispanic students? To what extent is anxiety associated with career indecision? Are there gender differences in the relation of self-esteem to depression?
Research Proposal Research Topic Outline Progress Report – Page 2 handout Class Presentation Research Study Outline- Page 3 handout
Therapy Manual: Presentation Identify a Manual of a recognized empirically validated treatment Describe/critique manual Provide overview of characteristics of studies conducted to validate the treatment
Class Resources Instructor’s web site Courses: EPSY 8334