Clean Water Partnership Coon Creek Watershed District Sand Creek Stormwater Retrofit Project December 15, 2014
Watershed Anoka County 107 square miles Urban/agriculture Highly modified drainage Impaired (2006) : Coon Creek Sand Creek Aquatic Life - Macroinvertebrates
Why apply? Implementation of 2009 Subwatershed Retrofit Assessment Top 4 of 12 recs Anoka Conservation District 2 first installed by CCWD 2 CWP Collaboration CCWD -ACD-Coon Rapids
Process Two components 1.Work Plan 2.Project Budget Whole process 2.5 years start to finish including application
Outcomes 9 rain gardens & 1 stormwater pond newly treating 51acres reducing Phosphorus by ~50%, TSS by~80%, and volume by ~6%
Our Experience Smooth process overall Prompt reimbursements Work plan Change orders happen Changes in reporting requirements Required templates not always online
Reaction from Elected Officials Cost savings outweighed contract obligations, reporting requirements Public perception positive
Would we apply again?
Recommendations Grantee Budget for changes reporting requirements change orders Grantor Continuity Templates Grant manager
Thank you Coon Creek Watershed District Dawn Doering