Norse Mythology in Tolkien World Mythology
Gandalf Name found in The Eddas (Norse myths) Means “wand-elf”
Middle-earth Direct translation of Midgard, the dwelling of humans
Dwarves Norse: grew from the maggots in Ymir’s flesh ▫Associated with death ▫Skilled craftsmen ▫Smaller than men LOTR: Short, stocky race ▫Fierce in battle ▫Live underground ▫Metalworkers, smiths, and masons
Elves Norse myth: semi-divine beings with magical powers LOTR: noble race ▫Artistic ▫Beautiful ▫Long life spans
Enchanted Rings Odin's ring, Draupnir, was magical in that every ninth night, eight new rings would appear, with Draupnir to be the ninth to rule them. In LOTR, there are nine rings of man with the "one ring" to rule them all.
Trees What role do trees play in Norse mythology? LOTR : Trees (Ents) are sentient, mobile, vulnerable to evil
Dragons Norse: Winged, serpentine creature ▫Underground lair ▫Guarding treasure Tolkien: ▫Intelligent, cunning ▫Speaks any language ▫Guards gold treasure