Norse Mythology In the beginning In the beginning Scott V.- King of godsKing of gods Ben G.- SculptorSculptor Alvin Y.- GenealogistGenealogist Kaiyuen C.- MuseMuse Paul Z.- MessengerMessenger In the beginning In the beginning Scott V.- King of godsKing of gods Ben G.- SculptorSculptor Alvin Y.- GenealogistGenealogist Kaiyuen C.- MuseMuse Paul Z.- MessengerMessenger
In The Beginning Gaping pit called Ginungagap. A frost giant named Ymir and a horless cow. Ymir fell asleep and created the first jotun The cow brought the life of a handsom man Jotun and aesir married she gave birth to the aesir The aesir went to kill ymir Two worlds called Midgard and Jotunheim were created Men were made after BackBack Next TitleNextTitle Gaping pit called Ginungagap. A frost giant named Ymir and a horless cow. Ymir fell asleep and created the first jotun The cow brought the life of a handsom man Jotun and aesir married she gave birth to the aesir The aesir went to kill ymir Two worlds called Midgard and Jotunheim were created Men were made after BackBack Next TitleNextTitle
Odin, the king Was one of the ones that brought down ymir. Odin was the leader of the norse. He could see to the end of the world in his chair. He saw a jotun named mimir who was the smartest jotun. If you drank from the well that he mimir protected then you would be really smart. Odin asked mimir for a sip of the well and in return gave him his left eye. Since he only had one eye he covered it with his hair. BackBack Next StartNextStart Was one of the ones that brought down ymir. Odin was the leader of the norse. He could see to the end of the world in his chair. He saw a jotun named mimir who was the smartest jotun. If you drank from the well that he mimir protected then you would be really smart. Odin asked mimir for a sip of the well and in return gave him his left eye. Since he only had one eye he covered it with his hair. BackBack Next StartNextStart
Bragi the poet Bragi was a poet He was a mortal person from the ninth century until people decided he must be a god Odin’s chief poet Son of Odin Had runes ground on his tongue BackBack Next StartNextStart Bragi was a poet He was a mortal person from the ninth century until people decided he must be a god Odin’s chief poet Son of Odin Had runes ground on his tongue BackBack Next StartNextStart
Thor, god of thunder Thor is the son of Odin He became even more popular then his father and got a day of the week named after him (Thursday) His weapon is a hammer called mjonir Destined to die in Ragnarok form the midgard serpant BackBack Next StartNextStart
Balder, god of light Balder is like a muse, he is son of Odin and Frigg One Day, Frigg made everything promise they wouldn’t hurt Balder except the mistletoe plant A trickster god, Loki, found out Balder’s weakness Loki made a dart out of mistletoe, which was Balder’s weakness At one time, the gods were throwing things at Balder Loki tricked a blind god to throw the mistletoe at Balder It peirced him and he died. Nanna, his wife died from the shock of his death Everyone cried for him, except Loki so Balder wasn’t brought back to life BackBack Next StartNextStart Balder is like a muse, he is son of Odin and Frigg One Day, Frigg made everything promise they wouldn’t hurt Balder except the mistletoe plant A trickster god, Loki, found out Balder’s weakness Loki made a dart out of mistletoe, which was Balder’s weakness At one time, the gods were throwing things at Balder Loki tricked a blind god to throw the mistletoe at Balder It peirced him and he died. Nanna, his wife died from the shock of his death Everyone cried for him, except Loki so Balder wasn’t brought back to life BackBack Next StartNextStart
Tyr, god of duty Fenris was a giant wolf, offspring of Loki and Angerboda. He grew so large that the gods became afraid of him. Only Tyr was brave enough to feed and take care of Fenris. The gods crafted the strongest iron chain called Laeding and attached it to Fenris. Fenris easily broke it. The gods then crafted a second chain, Dromi. He allowed the gods to put the fetter upon him, and he broke it. The dwarves made a silk bond called Gleipnir. Fenris let the gods put it on him, if Tyr put his hand in Fenris’ mouth. Fenris realized he couldn’t get out, and he chomped off Tyr’s hand. BackBack Next StartNextStart Fenris was a giant wolf, offspring of Loki and Angerboda. He grew so large that the gods became afraid of him. Only Tyr was brave enough to feed and take care of Fenris. The gods crafted the strongest iron chain called Laeding and attached it to Fenris. Fenris easily broke it. The gods then crafted a second chain, Dromi. He allowed the gods to put the fetter upon him, and he broke it. The dwarves made a silk bond called Gleipnir. Fenris let the gods put it on him, if Tyr put his hand in Fenris’ mouth. Fenris realized he couldn’t get out, and he chomped off Tyr’s hand. BackBack Next StartNextStart
Bibliography D’Aulaire, Edgar, D’Aulaire, Ingri, Chabon, Michael. D’aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths New York City:New York Review, Unknown. "Norse Mythology." Lindemans, Micha. "Bragi" ticles.html ticles.html Wiley Publishing, Inc. "Summaries and Commentaries for Norse Mythology: Balder." 83,pageNum-104.html 83,pageNum-104.html D’Aulaire, Edgar, D’Aulaire, Ingri, Chabon, Michael. D’aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths New York City:New York Review, Unknown. "Norse Mythology." Lindemans, Micha. "Bragi" ticles.html ticles.html Wiley Publishing, Inc. "Summaries and Commentaries for Norse Mythology: Balder." 83,pageNum-104.html 83,pageNum-104.html BackBack Next StartNextStart
Family Tree 1 BackBack Next StartNextStart BackBack Next StartNextStart
Family Tree 2 BackBack Next StartNextStart BackBack Next StartNextStart
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