Norse Mythology
Where did Norse Mythology come from? Based loosely off Greek/Roman Mythology Similar stories Norse gods very similar to Greek/Roman gods Odin = Zeus Thor = Herucleaus Norse version of the Bible is known as the Prose Edda, written by Snorri Sturlson in 1200 AD (150 years after the end of the Viking Age) Norse Mythology is a type of “Paganism” (religions with multiple gods) Norse Gods all start off as men but then rise to greatness
Creation of the Giants (Pre-Man) Niflhein = land covered by snow and ice (North) Muspell = land of fire and flames (South) Ginnungagap = emptiness (in the middle) Ymir= the first of the Jotuns (frost giants), created from thawing ice in Niflhein From his sweat a man and a women grew out of his armpit From one of his legs a six headed son was born
The Fall of the Giants and Creation of Man Auohumla = cow formed out of ice. Her milk fed Ymir. She fed off salty ice blocks, when she licked the block the first man was created named Buri. Buri’s son married a giant named Bestla and had three sons: Odin, Vili, and Ve (the first 3 gods) The 3 sons attacked and killed Ymir. The blood of the Giant Ymir drowned all the other giants except fo Bergelmir and his wife, they are the ancestors off all remaining Jotuns
Creation of the Universe The giants had a daughter Nott (night) and he son named Dag (Day). Odin set them in horse drawn chariots in the sky to ride around the world. Two human children Sol (sun) and Mani (moon) were send into the sky by Odin and placed in chariots. They move across the sky every 24 hours to escape from wolves (sent into the sky by the giants)
Creation of Asgard The three brothers: Odin, Vili, and Ve created their own realm known as Asgard A mighty stronghold with a rainbow bridge known as the Bifrost to like Asgard to Miogard (earth). The Aesir (gods) are the guardians of all men, Odin is the oldest and greatest of them all. This is the beginning of all that has happened.