European Election 2014 by Nikolaos Karanasios Technological Education Institute (TEI) Of Central Macedonia – Greece Ass. Professor Serres Business & Innovation Centre CEO
Some mythology Zeus falls in love with a Phenician girl. He transforms himself in a bull. Takes her in Krete island. He “exposes” the girl. Stays with her long enough to have at least 3 children. One of her brothers is supposed to be Thassos (there is such an island in North Greece). Other myths say hat she was the daughter of Poseidon and Libya. Yet other myths, involve Asia as well. This is not Mthology… it is Geography!
Selinunte (Sicily)VI century AD Some Etymology: ΕΥΡΩΠΗ Wide view Wide Vision Wide face
Beyond myths, words and Geography Europe is a geographic definition with common cultural roots. And common interests as well. With no hesitation to cooperate with other people and places. With a wide vision. With a wide view. With a wide geographical face.
From European Economic Community to the European Union History is history, but the elimination of national business conflict, has let Europe in peace... Many common grounds have been established, leading to the creation of European Union. The common market, is now freedom of mobility of goods – people and money Or is it not?
Strategia… coesione ricchezza prosperità sviluppo diritti umani Ambiente
Dalla strategia alle politiche regolamenti del mercato regolamenti fiscali (IVA...) requisiti di prodotti / servizi finanziamenti / sussidi concorrenza
The European Parliament Is totally different from the National Parliaments. The European parties have nothing to do with the parties of the national politics. Yet, in some countries, like in Greece, the voters do not distinguish.
Eurosceptisism… The question is coming back: – Do we need a European Union? Some times follows (in some countries): – Do we need EURO? Even worst: – Germans dominate! Or the arrogant statement: – We will change Europe!
The Greek case The Greeks vote at the European elections the same way they do at the national elections! We hardly vote to elect, but to punish those we have voted enough to let them govern. Eurosceptisism in Greece is limited to 6-7% according the former elections and the current polls.
Last elections overview
What is new for Greece Members are down by 1 (from 22 to 21) The ballot is with 4 preferences out of 42 in the list. A new group with no other political presence (POTAMI) appears. A new political group comes from Socialists and “mild” left (ELIA). Nationalists have a significant potential.
What the polls say… Participation (turnout) will exceed 75%. Many parties have declared the incompatibility of candidacy for the European elections and the participation at the National Parliament. Election results will be “surprising”. Parties and other groups are “recruiting” people from their “recognizability”, mainly journalists from TV.
Conclusion Greeks remain the most “Eurofile” voters. Greek voters still vote “against”. The party declaration of preference is still very strong. Nationalists will retain a percentage. The almost majority will vote against the “memorandum” and austerity.
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