It’s important to gather accurate data and to ensure the data is as complete as possible If you gather the data yourself, it is Primary Data If you use data collected by others, it is Secondary Data Might be errors in the published secondary data Results might not state how data was gathered, or limitations of the use of the data
Come as close as you can to the centre of the circle by writing numbers for each attempt: AttemptDistance from Centre (cm)
Let’s create a scatter plot from our data to see if “practice makes perfect” Distance from centre Number of Attempts AttemptDistance from Centre (cm)
Positive or negative correlation or neither?
You would theoretically get a negative correlation In other words, your first attempt would be at a large distance from the centre, and your subsequent attempts would result in the distances getting smaller and smallerer
Davis conducted an experiment comparing a person’s leg length and how long it takes the same person to walk 100m. He gathered these data showing (leg length in cm, time taken in s). (80,66), (73,74), (60,83), (64,62), (63,75), (78,76), (83,64), (54,81), (71,70), (78,76). a) Graph the data. b) Does the graph suggest a relationship between leg length and time taken to walk 100m? If so, describe the relationship.
a) Graph the data.
b) Does the graph suggest a relationship between leg length and time taken to walk 100m? If so, describe the relationship. >The points go down to the right. This suggests a negative correlation. >Time taken to walk 100m decreases as leg length increases
>A point with first coordinate 85 might have a second coordinate of 63. >So, someone with leg length 85cm might take about 63s to walk 100m. c) Use the scatter plot to estimate the time it would take a person with leg length 85cm to walk 100m. Explain.
More data would make Davis’ results more reliable. He could recruit people with a wider range of leg lengths while keeping other factors, such as age, gender, and body type, very similar. d) How might Davis make the results of his experiment more reliable?
p. 165 #1, 2, 3, 4