East Arkansas Community College Jeremy Reece The University of Memphis
Mission Statement “The mission of East Arkansas Community College is to enhance the quality of life for everyone within the EACC service community by providing opportunities for educational excellence, economic stimulation, and cultural enrichment” (EACC, 2012a, p. 7).
Vision Statement EACC’s Vision Statement underscores the significance of the institution’s commitment to an open-door admissions policy and their responsibility of developing responsible, productive citizens who appreciate diversity and tolerance of others (EACC, 2012a).
Institutional Priorities Increase student enrollment by reaching out to currently underserved student populations on the campus. Review and revise campus safety and security policies and procedures. Improve efficiency of institutional research and overall institutional effectiveness.
Workforce Development and Community Partnerships
Student Retention and Success Rates Institutional focus on student preparation, targeting both prospective students and their families. Implementation of intrusive academic advising and proactive interventions for students before mid-term.
Professional Development and Curricular Strategies Professional development for faculty, in support of retention-related activities, has included course content/curriculum management, the use of technology, and academic advising strategies. Streamlined developmental course sequences in both English and reading were created to improve student retention and matriculation rates.
Reflection Devoted to creating a better life for their constituents, supporting economic growth and a responsible citizenry. Institution addresses the lack of traditionally underserved student populations on their campus, but more attention should be given to non-traditional student populations (those out of high school).
“Our job is to empower others to reach their potential through life-long learning. When we do our jobs well, the student benefits; that ripple effect ultimately manifests itself in love of self, love of productivity (contributions through work), and love of community (giving back and being included as an essential part)” (M. Wilson, personal communication, October 5, 2012).
References Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE) (2011). Comprehensive Arkansas higher education annual report. Little Rock, AR: Arkansas Department of Higher Education. Retrieved from /2011/5-StudentEnrollment-ANNUAL.pdf East Arkansas Community College (EACC) (2012a) East Arkansas Community College catalog. Forrest City, AR: East Arkansas Community College. Retrieved from alendar,%20Admissions,%20Registration.pdf East Arkansas Community College (EACC) (2012b). History of EACC. Retrieved from East Arkansas Community College (EACC) (2012c). Mission, vision, accreditation. Retrieved from