Supporting Access Students Louise Andronicou BA MA Solicitor Associate Professor Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions Schools of Law and Social Sciences and Arts and Creative Industries London South Bank University
Understand the course Realistic university entry requirements Understanding of Access courses enables design and implementation of projects to facilitate progression
Understand the course HE contribution to shaping the content and emphasis of Access Courses Examples: Validation Panels Curriculum Matching
Supporting Progression to HE ‘Learning to Learn’ Sessions at LSBU: Lecture Seminar Exam Careers session Session with Student Ambassadors Favourable progression
Supporting Progression to HE Impact of ‘Learning to Learn’: Improved students’ confidence Created aspirations about studying at university Increased determination to progress to university
Supporting Progression to HE ‘Street Law’ Delivered to Access students last year at Croydon College and Newham College LSBU law students engaged in discussions with school/college students about practical legal problems, contemporary legal issues, and the ramifications of breaking the law. LSBU Law Lecturer and students trained the school/college students to participate in a mock trial within their classroom.
Supporting Progression to HE Impact of ‘Street Law’: Improved students’ confidence Created aspirations about studying Law Increased determination to progress to university
Supporting Progression to HE Access LSBU Scheme LSBU Tutor delivering Access course Progression Agreements with colleges HE Days at LSBU for Access Students Workshops for Tutors of Access Courses at Linking London Conferences and colleges on writing UCAS references for Access students
Supporting Progression to HE Extended Project Support Programme at LSBU A mandatory 6 credit unit on several access courses since 2014, including: Law Social Sciences Humanities Performing Arts
Supporting Progression to HE Benefits of Extended Project: Supports transition to HE learning environment Facilitates acquisition of essential critical, analytical and independent learning
Extended Project Opportunity for FE and HE to work together to support HE progression Developed Programme of Support delivered over three days at LSBU Support Sessions written to address assessment criteria of Extended Project
Extended Project Session 1 – Higher Education Skills An introductory session about skills required of Higher Education and how the Extended Project will prepare students for university. Introduction to academic writing and the differences between ‘describe’, ‘explain’ and ‘analyse’/’evaluate’
Extended Project Session 2 - Research and Effective Reading Students explored how to engage critically with their research materials. Involved students looking both at the materials themselves and also at how they use those materials
Extended Project Session 3 – Writing The session covered cohesiveness in longer pieces of academic writing, examining what constitutes a logical argument and how to sustain this throughout an extended project
Extended Project Additional support/benefits: Participating students supported by LSBU Student Ambassadors Participating students enrolled on the Access LSBU Scheme and issued with library cards. Students able to access online journals.
Extended Project Students who attended our Support Programme developed: A passion for their chosen subject (personal statement) A positive attitude towards study Good writing skills Independent learning Resulted in last year’s participants producing excellent projects and progressing to university better prepared
Support WITHIN HE Liiase with FE partners re assesssments Realistic office hours and class times Additional E-Learning to supplement class contact Encourage involvment in extra-curriclular to create community and sense of belonging
Supporting Access Students Supporting Access students requires constant involvement with the Access qualification and colleges delivering Access courses That way we are aware of the ‘issues’ and how to address them
Supporting Access Students What else we can be doing to support Access students and their progression to Higher Education? Come along to OCN London Conference on 4 Nov 15 and find out! Any Questions?
Contact Details Louise Andronicou