Going Online Michael, Michelle, Phillip, Uyen.
What is “Going Online?” Online: Describes a system which is connected (generally electrically) to a larger network, A computer which is connected to the Internet or to some other communications service.
Going Online Focus Areas Web Browsers Blogs Podcasts Wikis
What is Web Browser? A web browser is a piece of software required to access web sites on the internet. Microsoft distribute a free web browser with their operating systems, called Microsoft Internet Explorer. You may know of some others, including:
Web Browser Mozilla Firefox Safari Netscape Navigator
What is a Blog? A blog (a contraction of the term weblog) is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.contractionwebsite
Examples of Blogs – Blog entries about Apple Products – Create your own free blog mailplaneapp.com/blog/
What is a PodCast? Podcast is a form of audio broadcasting using the Internet, podcasting takes its name from a combination of "iPod" and broadcasting. iPod is the immensely popular digital audio player made by Apple computer, but podcasting does not actually require the use of an iPod
Where to find PodCasts Radio Station websites
What are Wikis? A wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content (excluding blocked users), using a simplified markup language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites.Web pagesmarkup language collaborativewebsites
Examples of Wikis
Task: Using a web browser, You are required to access a Blog and a Podcast, complete the following answers, and upload them onto the provided wikispace site. Go to – search for iMuffs and answer the following questions on the next few pages.
Task: Go to – Sign in as: – Username: EDST441 – Password: goingonline Search for ‘Connected: The Movie’ Scroll down and find the podcast ‘ACU Mobile Learning Spotlight’ and answer the following questions.
Questions Blog: – What is the iMuff compatible with? – How far can the iMuff function away from the iPhone? – David Appleyard has left a comment, why is he disappointed? Podcast: – Bill Rankin wants to change the classroom environment from a factory model where students sit in ranks, observes and consumes, to model engagement, where each student becomes a resource in the class.
Submit Your Work Go to Log in as – Username: EDST441 – Password: edst441 Follow the Instructions on the home page