Podcast Delivery Project Proposal Debbie Loeffler Online Learning 522 Professor Ann Randall
Final Project Delivery of podcast to selected population using RSS feed Rich Media Tutorial Use of Audacity and Lame Mp3 encoder for recording podcast Partner Lesson Plan Designing A Blog Purpose: To apply knowledge gained during Adult Online Learning 522
PodcastBlog and Feed BurnerPutting It All Together
Podcast Link to Audacity/ Lame Mp3 tutorial created for Rich Media Tutorial Domain Names What is a domain name How to obtain a domain name Hosting Files Define Finding a source to host your files Show Note hosting What is it and why do you need it Web site / Blogs
Blogger Introduction Description Creating a Blog Posting a blog Feedburner What is Feedburner Downloading Freeburner Using Feedburner Validating your feed
Putting It All TogetherBlogDomainPodcastingRSS
Real life need project will fill Apply skills learned during Adult Online Learning class Demonstrate basic skills needed to produce podcast for providing student education Develop new skills to share with students in their technologic development Start of portfolio to demonstrate skills learned in EdTech Master program
Tools to be use PowerpointAudacity Lame Mp3 encoder BlogFreeburnTutorial PodcastRSS Feed
Intended Audience – Nursing Educators New and innovative approaches to education need to be developed to address the changing characteristics of the growing nursing student population and evolving role of nurses in health care. With multiple initiatives from the federal government and various public and private organizations, the question arises about where nursing education is in preparing nurses to practice in the new health care environment. Specifically, are nurse educators preparing technology savvy nurses who can use informatics tools to provide safe, patient centered, quality care based upon evidence? Podcast is a tool that is reality easy to develop and use. It provides educators an alternative for distribution of learning material needed to prepare nurses and nursing students to meet future educational needs and challenges.
Learning Outcomes Review and describe how to record a podcast then convert to a Mp3 file. Generate a blog using a online blog development tool. Recognize relationships and terms associated with podcast, blog and RSS feed. Demonstrate use of freeburn to produce RSS feed. Demonstrate how to validate RSS feed. Identify three educational uses of podcast, blog, and or RSS feed.
Integration of multi ideas Use of multi tools Synthesis of Knowledge Blog design Podcast design Creatively Blog Podcast Communication and Collaboration Provides greater choices and flexibility in educational delivery tools Empowering Students and Educators Higher Learning
Podcast recording Mp3 files Domain Blog for hosting RSS feed Podcast hosted by Blog with RSS feed