Grounded Theory Overview Dave Stachowiak, Ed.D. Innovate Learning, LLC
About Me Dale Carnegie Training (since 2004) Innovate Learning (since 2006) EDOL alum – July, 2011
What Is Grounded Theory? Qualitative methodology The process of developing a theory that is grounded in the experience of practitioners in the field, rather than the research literature (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005) Useful when there is little or no prior research Useful to study a process used by a group (Creswell, 2007)
The Players Glaser (and Strauss - originally) You start with nothing – not prescriptive Corbin and Strauss (2008) Researcher discovers theory in the data through a structured process Charmaz (2006) How you the researcher interpret and construct theory is just as important as how study participants do
Corbin and Strauss Process Open coding Developing categories #p/u/17/Dfd_U-24egg #p/u/17/Dfd_U-24egg Axial coding Interconnecting categories Selective coding Decide what’s important and build the story
Why I Used Grounded Theory Limited research on executive coaching and virtually none on MBTI and coaching Research question about process What is the process by which executive coaches use the results of the MBTI to develop coachees? (Stachowiak, 2011)
Data Collection – Stage 1 Online survey to screened for sample population characteristics 169 survey responses 31 qualified for stage 2 and 26 agreed to be contacted 15 interviews conducted 13 women, 2 men Representation from 8 states, Canada, and UK
Data Collection – Stage 2 The 15 participants greatly exceeded the screening requirements of the study: Average 67.3 hours (9 hours was required) Average 81.3% of coachees with P&L responsibility (50% was required) Average 87.3% MBTI Use (33% was required) 15 study participant interviews conducted via phone and recorded/transcribed Grounded theory analysis completed
Three Pieces of Advice Start now if you can (literature review) Perfectionism will kill you Decide what you want from the degree
Life After the Degree Coaching skills development Training/facilitation/consulting Coaching Skills for Leaders podcast Faculty opportunities Productivity and technology coaching TechCouple podcast
Resources site: Dave Stachowiak, Ed.D. (877) LEARN-45