The Catholic Reformation
The Catholic Church Responds Initial Response to the Protestants Reassert traditional theology Very aggressive opposition Intent on rooting out Protestantism Acknowledged some poor clerical behavior
Counter Reformation Started in the 1540s as a reaction to the Protestant reformation. Too often the popes were preoccupied with politics or sensual pleasures. Popes resisted calls for the formation of a general council because it would limit their authority.
The Inquisition Spanish Inquisition—the auto-da-fe The Church initially responded to the Reformation by persecuting Protestants The Inquisition reappeared Pope Paul IV took a very repressive attitude towards the Protestants
The Council of Trent Pope Paul III called the Council of Trent ( ). –An attempt to reconcile with the Protestants failed. –International politics hindered the theological debates.
The Catholic Reformation
The council maintained papal authority and began a spiritual renewal of the church. –The church’s interpretation of the Bible is final –Need faith and good works for salvation –False selling of indulgences banned –Simony and pluralism outlawed –Attempts were made to curb clerical immorality and to encourage education –Great emphasis was placed on preaching
Theological Ideas of the Council of Trent Rejected Protestant reform doctrine Retained the seven sacraments Acknowledged the mystical presence of Christ in the Eucharist Opposed clerical marriage Reaffirmed belief in Purgatory Images, pilgrimages, saints, and relics deemed acceptable Reaffirmed the spiritual authority of Pope and bishops
Policies Implemented by the Council of Trent Index of Forbidden Books Indulgences would no longer be sold Directive to keep records (birth, death, marriage) of the faithful Stressed priestly obligation to their congregations Ordered seminaries founded Declared the Latin Vulgate the only acceptable version of the Bible
New religious orders The Ursuline order of nuns gained enormous prestige for the education of women. –The Ursulines sought to re Christianize society by training future wives and mothers. –The Ursulines spread to France and North America.
Society of Jesus The Society of Jesus played a strong international role in resisting Protestantism. –Obedience was the foundation of the Jesuit tradition. –With their schools, political influence, and missionary work, they brought many people into the Catholic fold.
Jesuits 3 main goals –Stop the spread of Protestantism –Convert non-Catholics –Spread education by building schools
The Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office This group, established by Pope Paul III in 1542, carried out the Roman Inquisition as a way to combat heresy. It had the power to arrest, imprison, and execute, but its influence was confined to papal territories.
French Jesuit Missionaries
Catholicism in New France