1 EPSII 59:006 Spring 2004
2 Final Exam Breakdown (Approximate) Pointers: 2 functions and parameter passage: 4 String processing: 5 Command line arguments: 1 input/output: 3 Structures: 2 Enumerations: 1 File I/O: 5 Arrays: 2 storage classes: 2 Number base conversions: 3 Arithmetic expression evaluation: 3 MATLAB: 12 Other: 4
3 Final 59:006 Final Exam--Exam Period 30 (7:00 -9:00 p.m., Friday, May 14): Section AAA (Braun) will meet in Room 100 PH, Section BBB (Kuhl) will meet in Shaumbaugh Auditorium Section CCC (Rodgers) will meet in Room 1505 SC. Bring a #2 pencil Multiple choice Approximately 50 questions Comprehensive
4 Note This review contains more than 100 slides. It is possible that any material from these slides may appear on the exam. However, these slides are not comprehensive (if it was in a previous lecture, or in the text, or in an assignment – it is fair game). Finally, since we cannot possibly cover slides in 50 minutes, we attempted to focus on important topics.
5 Anatomy of a C Program Since last exam, two key categories were covered: Data Structures Input Output
6 Key Areas Addressed in Recent Lectures Data Structures/Storage Input Output
7 Data Structures Data Types Arrays Structures
8 Data Types Variables are names for places in memory There are different types of variables Different variables require different amounts of information to store them In C the main types are: char, int, float, double
9 Standard Variable Type Storage TypeUsed ForStorage (bytes) intIntegers4 (usually, but is really implementation-dependent) charCharacters1 floatReal numbers4 doubleReal numbers8
10 Arrays Array Group of consecutive memory locations Same name and type To refer to an element, specify Array name Position number Format: arrayname [ position number ] First element at position 0 n element array named c : c[0], c[1]... c[n – 1] Name of array (Note that all elements of this array have the same name, c) Position number of the element within array c c[6] c[0] c[1] c[2] c[3] c[11] c[10] c[9] c[8] c[7] c[5] c[4]
11 Passing Arrays to Functions Passing arrays To pass an array argument to a function, specify the name of the array without any brackets int myArray[24]; myFunction( myArray, 24 ); Array size usually passed to function Arrays are passed as call-by-reference Name of array (unsubscripted) is address of first element Function knows where the array is stored Modifies original memory locations Passing array elements Passed by call-by-value Pass subscripted name (i.e., myArray[3] ) to function
12 Static Storage Class Static storage Variables exist for entire program execution Default initial value of zero Can specify an alternative initial value: static int x = 1; Static variables are initialized once, at beginning of program execution. Static local variables defined in functions: Keep value after function ends Only known in their own function
13 Declaring & Initializing Arrays Initializers int n[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; If not enough initializers, rightmost elements become 0 int n[5] = { 0 } All elements 0 If there are too many initializers, a syntax error occurs C arrays have no bounds checking This means that using an invalid subscript will kill your program with the dreaded ‘Segmentation Fault’ runtime error. If the array size is omitted in a definition, initializers determine it int n[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; // bad style 5 initializers, therefore 5 element array Don’t do this!!!! The following is an illegal declaration, since the size isn’t specified int n[]; /* error – no size given */
14 Passing Arrays to Functions Function prototype void myFunction( int b[], int arraySize ); Parameter names optional in prototype int b[] could be written int [] int arraySize could be simply int Don’t specify array bounds in the prototype or function header
15 Multi-subscripted Arrays as function parameters int twoDexample(int array2[ ] [10], int rows) { Second subscript must be specified As a constant First subscript must be blank For array parameters with more than two subscripts all but the first must be specified as constants in the function prototype and header Int fourDexample(int [ ] [10] [5] [8], int);
16 Multiple-Subscripted Arrays Multiple subscripted arrays Tables with rows and columns ( m by n array) Like matrices: specify row, then column Row 0 Row 1 Row 2 Column 0Column 1Column 2Column 3 a[ 0 ][ 0 ] a[ 1 ][ 0 ] a[ 2 ][ 0 ] a[ 0 ][ 1 ] a[ 1 ][ 1 ] a[ 2 ][ 1 ] a[ 0 ][ 2 ] a[ 1 ][ 2 ] a[ 2 ][ 2 ] a[ 0 ][ 3 ] a[ 1 ][ 3 ] a[ 2 ][ 3 ] Row subscript Array name Column subscript
17 Multiple-Subscripted Arrays Initialization int b[ 2 ][ 2 ] = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }; Initializers grouped by row in braces If not enough, unspecified elements set to zero int b[ 2 ][ 2 ] = { { 1 }, { 3, 4 } }; Referencing elements Specify row, then column printf( "%d", b[ 0 ][ 1 ] );
18 Setup: A 2-D array int a[3][5] = {{1324, 140, 82, 201, 72}, {3124, 156, 70, 177, 74}, {5495, 128, 68, 222, 60}};
19 C Storage Classes auto (automatic) register static extern (external)
20 Automatic Storage Class Automatic storage Variable created and destroyed within its block If an initializer is used, the variable is reinitialized each time its block is entered. Default for local variables of functions auto double x, y; register : tries to put variable into high-speed registers (not of much significance for modern compilers and computers) Can only be used for automatic variables register int counter = 1;
21 The #define directive Note the use of #define preprocessor directive in preceding example: #define SIZE 10 Enhances readability and facilitates easy changes to program Equates the symbolic name TEN with the constant 10 Everyplace you use the string ‘TEN” I you program, the preprocessor will replace it with 10
22 Pointer Operators & (address operator) References the address of a variable int y = 5; int *yPtr; yPtr = &y; // yPtr gets address of y yPtr “points to” y yPtr y 5 yptr y 5 Address of y is value of yptr
23 Calling Functions by Reference Call by reference with pointer arguments Pass address of argument using & operator Allows you to change actual location in memory Arrays are not passed with & because the array name is already a pointer * operator Used as alias/nickname for variable inside of function void double( int *number ) { *number = 2 * ( *number ); } *number used as nickname for the variable passed
24 Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic 5 element int array on machine with 4 byte int s vPtr points to first element v[ 0 ] at location 3000 ( vPtr = 3000 ) vPtr += 2; sets vPtr to 3008 vPtr points to v[ 2 ] (incremented by 2), but the machine has 4 byte int s, so it points to address 3008 pointer variable vPtr v[0]v[1]v[2]v[4]v[3] location
25 Arrays of Pointers Arrays can contain pointers ("an array of pointers") For example: an array of strings char *suit[ 4 ] = { "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades" }; Strings are pointers to the first character char * – each element of suit is a pointer to a char The strings are not actually stored in the array suit, only pointers to the strings are stored suit array has a fixed size, but strings can be of any size suit[3] suit[2] suit[1] suit[0]’H’’e’’a’’r’’t’’s’ ’\0’ ’D’’i’’a’’m’’o’’n’’d’’s’ ’\0’ ’C’’l’’u’’b’’s’ ’\0’ ’S’’p’’a’’d’’e’’s’ ’\0’
26 Call by Value/Call by Reference Generally, you don’t want to change the value of the parameter(s) you pass to a function Y = sqrt(x) + x; You don’t want the value of x to change when this function is called. However, sometimes you want to—e.g.: swapValues(&x, &y);
27 Call-by-Value This is the most common way to pass parameters y = cos(x) ; The value of x is passed to the function but the function cannot modify the value of x. Pass-by-value parameters insure that the function will not have unintended “side effects”. Call-by-value should be used whenever possible
28 Call-by-reference When a function needs to assign new value to a parameter, call-by-reference parameter passage is used; changeValue (&x) ; // The ‘&’ designates call-by-ref. By passing the address of x, the function can change its value – we’ll see how later. Call-by-reference should be used with care since it can result in subtle logic bugs that are difficult to diagnose. Note that we have already seen an example of call-by reference: scanf(“%d”, &x); // Aha!! So, that’s’ why the ‘&’ is needed.
29 Call-by Reference– A simple example A function that swaps the value of two variables First, a version that DOESN’T work: void swap( int, int); int main(void) { int x = 3; int y = 5; printf(“x=%d y=%d\n”, x,y); swap(x, y); printf(“x=%d y=%d\n”, x,y); } void swap(int a, int b) { int temp; temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } x=3 y=5 swap has no effect on the values of x and y due to pass-by-value parameter passage
30 Call-by-reference– a simple example void swap( int *, int *); int main(void) { int x = 3; int y = 5; printf(“x=%d y=%d\n”, x,y); swap(&x, &y); printf(“x=%d y=%d\n”, x,y); } void swap(int *a, int *b) { } x=3 y=5 x=5 y=3 Now, a version of swap that works:
31 Call-by-reference– a simple example void swap( int *, int *); int main(void) { int x = 3; int y = 5; printf(“x=%d y=%d\n”, x,y); swap(&x, &y); printf(“x=%d y=%d\n”, x,y); } void swap(int *a, int *b) { int temp; temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; } x=3 y=5 x=5 y=3 Now, a version of swap that works:
32 Structures Collections of related variables (aggregates) under one name Can contain variables of different data types Commonly used to define records to be stored in files Combined with pointers, can create linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees
33 Structure Definitions Example struct car { char make[10]; char model[10]; int year; }; struct introduces the definition for structure car car is the structure name and is used to declare variables of the structure type car contains two members of type char *, and int These members are make and model year
34 Clarification: “char* face” VS “char face[10]” for hw10 struct card1 { char *face; char *suit; }; struct card2 { char face[10]; char suit[10]; }; main() { char *c4 = "Four"; char *hearts = "Hearts"; struct card1 threeHearts; threeHearts.face = "Three"; threeHearts.suit = hearts; printf("face = %s\n",threeHearts.face); struct card2 fourDiamonds; strcpy(fourDiamonds.face, c4); // THIS commented line will NOT work // fourDiamonds.face = c4; // because space has been allocated in structure strcpy(fourDiamonds.suit, "diamonds"); printf("face = %s\n",fourDiamonds.face); } Note the need to use strcpy () to assign values to face and suit since they have been declared as arrays
35 Accessing Members of Structures Accessing structure members Dot operator (. ) used with structure variables struct card myCard = { "Three", "Hearts" }; printf( "%s", myCard.suit ); Arrow operator ( -> ) used with pointers to structure variables struct card *myCardPtr = &myCard; printf( "%s", myCardPtr->suit ); myCardPtr->suit is equivalent to ( *myCardPtr ).suit
36 Enumerations User-defined data type Provide symbolic names for a range of integer values Primary function is to improve program readability
37 Enumerations enum months {JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC }; Example: // sets JAN to 0, FEB to 1, …, DEC to 11) enum months month. for (month = JAN; month < =DEC; month ++) { … }
38 Strings and Characters String declarations Declare as a character array or a variable of type char * char color[] = "blue"; char *colorPtr = "blue"; Remember that strings represented as character arrays end with '\0' color has 5 elements Inputting strings Use scanf char word[10]; scanf("%s", word); Copies input into word[] Do not need & (because word is a pointer) Remember to leave room in the array for '\0'
39 Chars as Ints Since characters are stored in one-byte ASCII representation, they can be considered as one-byte integers. C allows chars to be treated as ints and vice versa—e.g.: int main() { int ivar; char cvar; ivar = ‘b’; cvar = 97; printf (“ivar=%d cvar=‘%c’\n”, ivar, cvar); } ivar=98 cvar=‘a’
40 Streams Sequences of characters organized into lines Each line consists of zero or more characters and ends with newline character ANSI C must support lines of at least 254 characters Performs all input and output Can often be redirected Standard input – keyboard Standard output – screen Standard error – screen
41 Scope Rules Block scope Identifier declared inside a block {…} Block scope begins at declaration, ends at right brace Used for: local variables function parameters Can actually define local variables in any C block (not recommended) Outer blocks "hidden" from inner blocks if there is a variable with the same name in the inner block Function prototype scope Used for identifiers in parameter list
42 Input-Output Options Command Line Arguments scanf fgets pipe command Input/Output Redirection Shell Command Sequential files Random access files
43 Important Use of Array of Strings— Command Line Arguments We’ve used ‘ int main(void)’ all semester as the main function header, but there is another form that can be used. int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]){ argc counts how many words are on the command line when the program was invoked. argv is an array of character strings, one word per element. When program is run, operating system places the name of the program in argv[0] and any additional “command line arguments” in successive elements of argv[]
44 #include int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) { int i; printf(“The # of command line args is: %d\n”, argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) printf("Argument %d is '%s'\n", i, argv[i]); return(0); } Example of Command Line Arguments mainArgs.c
45 Compile & Run: % gcc mainArgs.c –o mainArgs %mainArgs The # of command line args is: 1 argument 0 is ‘mainArgs’ % mainArgs with arguments The # of command line args is: 3 argument 0 is ‘mainArgs’ argument 1 is ‘with’ argument 2 is ‘arguments’ % mainArgs 1234 The # of command line arguments is: 2 argument 0 is ‘mainArgs’ argument 1 is ‘1234’
46 Formatting Input with scanf scanf Input formatting Capabilities Input all types of data Input specific characters Skip specific characters Format scanf (format-control-string, other-arguments); Format-control-string Describes formats of inputs Other-arguments Pointers to variables where input will be stored Can include field widths to read a specific number of characters from the stream
47 Formatting Input with scanf
48 Inputting Strings using scanf char word[10]; char *wptr; … // This is OK as long as input string is less // than 10 characters in length scanf(“%s”, word); // But this is not, since wptr does not have associated // storage locations to hold the string scanf(“%s”, wptr); //This would be OK: wptr = word; scanf(“%s”, wptr);
49 Files and Streams Read/Write functions in standard library fgetc Reads one character from a file Takes a FILE pointer as an argument fgetc( stdin ) equivalent to getchar() fputc Writes one character to a file Takes a FILE pointer and a character to write as an argument fputc( 'a', stdout ) equivalent to putchar( 'a' ) fgets Reads a line from a file (terminated by newline character) fputs Writes a line to a file fscanf / fprintf File processing equivalents of scanf and printf
50 UNIX input/output cat is most useful when directly taking the output from one program and sending it as the input to another cat file |./a.out If file already exists,use the Input Redirection Shell Command, < %a.out argvstuff < dictionary.file Can do the same for output (Output Redirection Shell Command %a.out argvstuff inclass
51 Creating a Sequential Access File C imposes no file structure No notion of records in a file Programmer must provide file structure Creating a File FILE *myPtr; Creates a FILE pointer called myPtr myPtr = fopen("myFile.dat", openmode); Function fopen returns a FILE pointer to file specified Takes two arguments – file to open and file open mode If open fails, NULL returned fprintf Used to print to a file Like printf, except first argument is a FILE pointer (pointer to the file you want to print in)
52 Creating a Sequential Access File feof( FILE pointer ) Returns true if end-of-file indicator (no more data to process) is set for the specified file fclose( FILE pointer ) Closes specified file Performed automatically when program ends Good practice to close files explicitly Details Programs may process no files, one file, or many files Each file must have a unique name and should have its own pointer
53 Reading Data from a Sequential Access File Reading a sequential access file Create a FILE pointer, link it to the file to read myPtr = fopen( "myFile.dat", "r" ); Use fscanf to read from the file Like scanf, except first argument is a FILE pointer fscanf( myPtr, "%d%s%f", &myInt, &myString, &myFloat ); Data read from beginning to end File position pointer Indicates number of next byte to be read / written Not really a pointer, but an integer value (specifies byte location) Also called byte offset rewind( myPtr ) Repositions file position pointer to beginning of file (byte 0 )
54 Random Access Files Random access files Access individual records without searching through other records Instant access to records in a file Data can be inserted without destroying other data Data previously stored can be updated or deleted without overwriting Implemented using fixed length records Sequential files do not have fixed length records byte offsets } }}}}}} bytes
55 Creating a Random Access File Data in random access files Unformatted (stored as "raw bytes") All data of the same type ( int s, for example) uses the same amount of memory All records of the same type have a fixed length Data not human readable
56 Creating a Random Access File Unformatted I/O functions fwrite Transfer bytes from a location in memory to a file fread Transfer bytes from a file to a location in memory Example: fwrite( &number, sizeof( int ), 1, myPtr ); &number – Location to transfer bytes from sizeof( int ) – Number of bytes to transfer 1 – For arrays, number of elements to transfer In this case, "one element" of an array is being transferred myPtr – File to transfer to or from
57 Creating a Random Access File Writing structs fwrite( &myObject, sizeof (struct myStruct), 1, myPtr ); sizeof – returns size in bytes of object in parentheses To write several array elements Pointer to array as first argument Number of elements to write as third argument
58 Define struct Initialize variable Initialize struct Open file Write to file using unformatted output Close file 1/* Fig : fig11_11.c 2 Creating a randomly accessed file sequentially */ 3#include 4 5struct clientData { 6 int acctNum; 7 char lastName[ 15 ]; 8 char firstName[ 10 ]; 9 double balance; 10}; 11 12int main() 13{ 14 int i; 15 struct clientData blankClient = { 0, "", "", 0.0 }; 16 FILE *cfPtr; if ( ( cfPtr = fopen( "credit.dat", "w" ) ) == NULL ) 19 printf( "File could not be opened.\n" ); 20 else { for ( i = 1; i <= 100; i++ ) 23 fwrite( &blankClient, 24 sizeof( struct clientData ), 1, cfPtr ); fclose( cfPtr ); 27 } return 0; 30}
59 Writing Data Randomly to a Random Access File fseek Sets file position pointer to a specific position fseek( pointer, offset, symbolic_constant ); pointer – pointer to file offset – file position pointer (0 is first location) symbolic_constant – specifies where in file we are reading from SEEK_SET – seek starts at beginning of file SEEK_CUR – seek starts at current location in file SEEK_END – seek starts at end of file
60 Define struct Initialize variables Open file Input data Write to file 1/* Fig : fig11_12.c 2 Writing to a random access file */ 3#include 4 5struct clientData { 6 int acctNum; 7 char lastName[ 15 ]; 8 char firstName[ 10 ]; 9 double balance; 10}; 11 12int main() 13{ 14 FILE *cfPtr; 15 struct clientData client = { 0, "", "", 0.0 }; if ( ( cfPtr = fopen( "credit.dat", "r+" ) ) == NULL ) 18 printf( "File could not be opened.\n" ); 19 else { 20 printf( "Enter account number" 21 " ( 1 to 100, 0 to end input )\n? " ); 22 scanf( "%d", &client.acctNum ); while ( client.acctNum != 0 ) { 25 printf( "Enter lastname, firstname, balance\n? " ); 26 fscanf( stdin, "%s%s%lf", client.lastName, 27 client.firstName, &client.balance ); 28 fseek( cfPtr, ( client.acctNum - 1 ) * 29 sizeof( struct clientData ), SEEK_SET ); 30 fwrite( &client, sizeof( struct clientData ), 1, 31 cfPtr ); 32 printf( "Enter account number\n? " );
61 Close file Program Output 33 scanf( "%d", &client.acctNum ); 34 } fclose( cfPtr ); 37 } return 0; 40} Enter account number (1 to 100, 0 to end input) ? 37 Enter lastname, firstname, balance ? Barker Doug 0.00 Enter account number ? 29 Enter lastname, firstname, balance ? Brown Nancy Enter account number ? 96 Enter lastname, firstname, balance ? Stone Sam 34.98
62 Program Output Enter account number ? 88 Enter lastname, firstname, balance ? Smith Dave Enter account number ? 33 Enter lastname, firstname, balance ? Dunn Stacey Enter account number ? 0
63 Reading Data Sequentially from a Random Access File fread Reads a specified number of bytes from a file into memory fread( &client, sizeof (struct clientData), 1, myPtr ); Can read several fixed-size array elements Provide pointer to array Indicate number of elements to read To read multiple elements, specify in third argument
64 Define struct Initialize variables Read ( fread ) Print 1/* Fig : fig11_15.c 2 Reading a random access file sequentially */ 3#include 4 5struct clientData { 6 int acctNum; 7 char lastName[ 15 ]; 8 char firstName[ 10 ]; 9 double balance; 10}; 11 12int main() 13{ 14 FILE *cfPtr; 15 struct clientData client = { 0, "", "", 0.0 }; if ( ( cfPtr = fopen( "credit.dat", "r" ) ) == NULL ) 18 printf( "File could not be opened.\n" ); 19 else { 20 printf( "%-6s%-16s%-11s%10s\n", "Acct", "Last Name", 21 "First Name", "Balance" ); while ( !feof( cfPtr ) ) { 24 fread( &client, sizeof( struct clientData ), 1, 25 cfPtr ); if ( client.acctNum != 0 ) 28 printf( "%-6d%-16s%-11s%10.2f\n", 29 client.acctNum, client.lastName, 30 client.firstName, client.balance ); 31 } 32
65 Close file Program Output 33 fclose( cfPtr ); 34 } return 0; 37} Acct Last Name First Name Balance 29 Brown Nancy Dunn Stacey Barker Doug Smith Dave Stone Sam 34.98
66 Program Output Enter account to update ( ): Barker Doug 0.00 Enter charge (+) or payment (-): Barker Doug Enter new account number ( ): 22 Enter lastname, firstname, balance ? Johnston Sarah After choosing option 1 accounts.txt contains: Acct Last Name First Name Balance 29 Brown Nancy Dunn Stacey Barker Doug Smith Dave Stone Sam 34.98
67 Printing Integers Integer Whole number (no decimal point): 25, 0, -9 Positive, negative, or zero Only minus sign prints by default (later we shall change this)
68 Printing with Field Widths and Precisions Field width Size of field in which data is printed If width larger than data, default right justified If field width too small, increases to fit data Minus sign uses one character position in field Integer width inserted between % and conversion specifier %4d – field width of 4
69 Printing with Field Widths and Precisions Field width and precision Can both be specified %width.precision %5.3f Negative field width – left justified Positive field width – right justified Precision must be positive Can use integer expressions to determine field width and precision values Place an asterisk ( * ) in place of the field width or precision Matched to an int argument in argument list Example: printf( "%*.*f", 7, 2, );
70 Using Flags in the printf Format-Control String Flags Supplement formatting capabilities Place flag immediately to the right of percent sign Several flags may be combined
71 Printing String Literals and Escape Sequences Table of all escape sequences
72 Relevant Textbook Readings for Final—Deitel & Deitel Chapters 1-6 Chapter 7 -- except Section 7.12 (pointers to functions) Chapter 8 – except Section 8.9 (memory functions of the string handling library) Chapter 9 Chapter 10, sections 10.1 thru 10.7, and only Chapter 11 Chapter 14, sections 14.2, 14.4 only
73 Relevant MATLAB Readings for Final Exam (Etter’s text) Chapters 1-4 Chapter 6, sections only