Course 2, Lesson 7-5 Find the length of each object on a scale drawing with the given scale. Then find the scale factor. 1. a subway car 34 feet long; 1 inch = 5 feet 2. a table 1.5 meters long; 3 centimeters = 0.25 meters 3. The distance between New York City and Washington, D.C., is 3.75 inches on a map of the United States. The scale on the map is 1 inch to 90 miles. How far is Washington, D.C., from New York City? 4. The actual distance from Atlanta to New Hope is 425 miles. A map shows a distance of inches. Write a ratio to accurately show the relationship between the actual distance and the scale distance?
Course 2, Lesson 7-5 ANSWERS 1. in.; cm; mi 4.
Geometry Course 2, Lesson 7-5 HOW does geometry help us describe real-world objects?
Course 2, Lesson 7-5 Common Core State Standards © Copyright National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. Geometry Preparation for 7.G.3 Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three- dimensional figures, as in plane sections of right rectangular prisms and right rectangular pyramids. Mathematical Practices 1Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 3Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4Model with mathematics.
To draw the top, side, and front views of a three-dimensional figure To draw the corner view of a three- dimensional figure given the figure’s top, side, and front views Course 2, Lesson 7-5 Geometry
How did what you learned today help you answer the Course 2, Lesson 7-5 Geometry HOW does geometry help us describe real-world objects?
How did what you learned today help you answer the Course 2, Lesson 7-5 Geometry HOW does geometry help us describe real-world objects? Sample answers: To draw top, side, front, and corner views of a three- dimensional real-world object To draw a corner view of a three-dimensional real-world object given the object’s top, side, and front views
Explain how knowing how to draw three-dimensional figures helps in finding the volume of three-dimensional figures. Course 2, Lesson 7-5 Ratios and Proportional RelationshipsFunctionsGeometry