Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the unknown.
What is the name of this shape? TRIANGLE
What is the name of this shape? Square or rectangle How many sides does a square have? Four What’s the name for all four-sided figures? Quadrilateral
What is the name of this shape? Pentagon How many sides does this figure have? 5 sides
What is the name of this shape? hexagon How many sides does this figure have? 6 sides
What is the name of this shape? Octagon How many sides does this figure have? 8 sides
Count to 10. Let’s count to 10 twos. Underneath the 1 we’ll say 1 two, underneath the 2 we’ll say 2 twos. And go! Count by twos to 20 I’m going to give you a challenge. Let’s alternate between saying the units of two and the number. Underneath the 2 let’s say 1 two, and underneath the 4 we’re going to say four. Underneath the 6 we’ll say 3 twos… and so on. AND GO! Let’s alternate again. This time under the 2 we’ll say 2, and under the four we’ll say 2 twos. Under the six we’ll say six and so on. GO!
BEFORE WE START MAKE SURE YOU HAVE: 1.A pencil 2.Your Problem Set 3.Once you get it, put your name on your paper – Do not start working on the problem set we will do this together. 4. Thumbs up when you’re ready!
Let’s solve the first problem using our Read-Draw- Write process. What should we do first? Take a minute to visualize the scene of this problem, like we do when we read. What images come to your mind? Reread the question to yourself. Then, use your own words to tell your partner what it’s asking. It wants to know how much money Lena’s family spends on hayride tickets. Notice the information provided to help you answer the question. What do you see? Think about the Read- Draw-Write process. What question should we ask ourselves next? What can I draw? Reread problem 1 PART A, and think about your answer to that question. Show your thinking on your white board/problem set/ note book. As you label your drawing, use a letter to represent the unknown.
Here are some possible drawings to help solve this problem. Did any of you use these picture strategies? How are they useful in solving this problem? What information is known, and what information is unknown in this problem? We know the cost of adult and child tickets and how many of each the family bought. We don’t know how much the tickets cost altogether. We know parts, but not the whole. Look back at your drawing. Think about what number sentences you can write, based on your drawing, to model the problem and solve. Share your thinking with a partner.
I was just going to write = c and find the answer. I was thinking 2×7=14 and 2×4= 8, so = n. That works, but if you’re going to multiply, you can just write (2 × 7) + (2 × 4) = p. Or, you can write, 2 × (7 + 4) = n. Choose a strategy and solve part A in problem 1.
What is the final step of our Read-Draw-Write process? Write a sentence with words to answer the problem. Do that now. Reread the question to be sure your sentence accurately answers it. Look back at your work, and try to remember your thinking at each step of the way. Explain your steps to your partner. Suppose you tried this problem again. Would you try a different drawing? A different equation? Why or why not? Discuss with a partner..
Lena’s family wants to go on the fourth hayride of the day. It’s 11:38 now. How many minutes do they have to wait for the fourth hayride?
* Work on the rest of your problem set. * Use the Read-Write-Draw Process to solve each problem. * Take your time – do your best work.