Wednesday 10/23/13 Agenda Objective: We will generate notes on the Elizabethan Age using group work. Language: We will write in complete sentences. BELL WORK 23 October 2013 Ignorance of the Masses Write down these questions and then write quick responses (you have 8 minutes only): How does popular opinion impact our decisions? How does our society influence our attitudes or feelings? Compare to the animals in Animal Farm…
HOMEWORK DUE IN BLUE BOX Sentence formula homework: quick questions and then turned in FOLLOW THE RULES OR FACE CONSEQUENCES
Notes You will see a slide with information. Here are the topics below. Please write each topic and leave space for your notes. The Renaissance- Theaters- Actors- Audience Elements of Drama Shakespearean Tragedy- Parts of a play- Techniques within a play-
ARTICLE OF THE WEEK: WHAT YOU DON’T FINISH IN CLASS IS HOMEWORK “Loyalty: Paradoxical Faith That ‘Not OK’ is OK…” Highlight OR underline unfamiliar words Read the article and write down questions, notes, thoughts, connections as you go
Wednesday 10/23/13 Agenda Objective: We will express our understanding of The Crucible Acts I-II using a quiz. Language: We will write complete sentences. BELL WORK (5 minutes): Choose one of the big ideas from our bell work yesterday and explain in 2-3 sentences how it appears in The Crucible.
QUIZ Review VOCABULARY: Conjured Anarchy Hypocrite Calumny Prodigious Faction Abomination Inert IDEAS: Situation between John Proctor and Elizabeth The Proctors reputation Mary Warren (how has she changed), the poppet, and court Ezekiel Cheever Reverend Hale: advice, worries Abigail accuses people of witchcraft. Why Elizabeth? What do the accused have in common?
Active Viewing We are watching act III today. You have questions on Act III due!