SCRIPT REQUIREMENTS Today in history Joke with explanation of punchline for lower grades Quote with comment why chosen Lunch Anthem Sports recaps/promotions Anthem School event recaps/promotions Anthem community event recaps/promotions Cool/important stories from the rest of our galaxy :) A way to tie everything together Transitions besides Speaking of… Do you have a joke/quote/etc. WAIT! We forgot about…. Is it time for the pledge? Nope… Enthusiasm Creativity
Day of Broadcast Turn on teleprompter Turn on projector Set up tripod & camera Set up lights Login to your computer Rehearse
COLOR CODE Anchor 1 Anchor 2 Anchor 3 Anchor 4 Together 1.Enter your script 2.Color code lines after script is written 3.Copy & paste a blank slide if you need it. 4.Delete any extra slides you need after everything is written in ;)
Good morning Rockets! Welcome to Galaxy News….your source for everything going on at Anthem School and the rest of your galaxy. We’re your A-Team anchors
And. Today is (Day of the week), date.
Thanks for blasting off with Galaxy News! Remember our Anthem School Values Be respectful, be responsible, & be safe And have a/an adjectiveday of the week, Anthem. Please stand for the national anthem, pledge of allegiance, and pause for a moment of silence
After Broadcast Upload to Write a description of your broadcast that makes viewers want to watch Put away tripod Put away lights Turn off projector & return remote Plus/delta Start next week’s script
/ of today’s broadcast What made your broadcast excellent or you want to repeat Changes or improvements for the future or lesson learned.
Team Rubric 1.On time day of broadcast 2.Prepared on time – few changes needed day of broadcast 3.Added last minute info well 4.Conversational script 5.Good transitions 6.Good pace 7.Enthusiasm – getting audience excited for events 8.Backgrounds in order 9.Quality pix & text for background 10.Attitude Individual Rubric 1.Contributed to creating script or backgrounds 2.Kept a positive attitude 3.Worked well with other teammates 4.Worked my best or hardest