IS3320 Developing and Using Management Information Systems Lecture 17: Data-Flow Diagrams 2 – the case of Shazam Rob Gleasure
IS3320 Today’s lecture Shazam Exercise
Shazam Started off at the turn of the millennium as a hotline number that mobile phone holders could call when music was playing The call would last 30 seconds, after which time it would automatically disconnect and text callers the name of the song As smartphones grew in popularity, this functionality moved to app format, launching on both iOS and Android in 2008 The iOS version provided links to purchase the track on iTunes, the Android version linked to Amazon’s MP3 Store In January 2011, Shazam partnered with Spotify so that Spotify users could listen to tracks directly through that channel
Shazam In 2009, several new features were added to increase the social nature of the app Each time a song was ‘tagged’, the GPS coordinates were also logged Tags could be sent to other users Twitter alerts were integrated In early 2011, Shazam was the 4 th most commonly downloaded app on the iStore In 2013, Techland voted it one of the 50 best Android apps
How Shazam Works The sounds is recorded for 10 seconds and a spectogram is generated and sent from the user’s device to the central Shazam system This is compared against records of songs on a dedicated Shazam server If the song is not recognised, a message is sent to the user’s device informing them that no match was found If the song is recognised, the name and details of that song are sent to the user’s device A user may then browse lyrics or reviews of the album on the central Shazam system They may also send a request via the central Shazam system to the Amazon MP3 Store or iTunes to buy the track or the ringtone They may send a request via the central Shazam system to watch the music video on YouTube They may send a request via the central Shazam system to share the track on Facebook or Twitter
How Shazam Works App review
Exercise In groups of 2-3… Draw a context-level DFD for Shazam
Want to read more? Sullivan, L.H. (2006). +Just Enough Structured Analysis, Chapter 9: Dataflow Diagrams /512878e6e4b02e5615b4c5ed/ /Yourdon%20DF D.pdf Data Flow Diagrams: An Agile introduction