Communication Workshop
Listening: A radio interview about noise pollution Before you start : 1. What is noise pollution?
Noise pollution Any unwanted man-made sound that interrupts our daily lives is noise pollution. Noise pollution can be caused by many sources including highways, vehicles, factories, concerts, air-conditioners, engines, machine, aircraft, helicopters, alarms, stereo systems, industrialization and construction work.
Look at the key words and fill in the blanks. 2. How do you feel about the noise? enjoyable, comfortable, quiet, thrilling, terrible, uncomfortable, annoying, awful, impatient, unhappy
music resulting from regular parties, a rock concert, or radio is _________. enjoyable
Noise from car alarms/ transport is ______________________________________________________. terrible / uncomfortable / annoying
Noise from the barking dogs/pets is really ____________. annoying / uncomfortable...
noise from construction makes us feel ______________. noise from construction makes us feel ______________. impatient /unhappy
3. Try to predict the kind of information that is missing. Then listen to the radio programme and complete the notes with one or two words. 1 Loud music at a rock concert is _________ for the audience but even quiet music at 2 o’clock in the morning is ____________for someone trying to sleep. enjoyable very annoying
2 Noise pollution can be defined as any sound that _________ our daily lives or makes us feel_____________. 3 Noise pollution is generally only a problem in ______ areas. interrupts uncomfortable urban
4 Noise pollution in cities is caused by _______________, _________, and ______________________. 5 Television sets_____________, ______________, and ____ can be all sources of noise pollution. industrializationtransport larger urban populations stereo systems air conditionerspets
6 Noise pollution can have ___________ effects. 7 Noise pollution can damage our _________. 8 Noise pollution can increase _________ and can cause us to feel __________ and _________. very serious hearing stress levels impatient unhappy
9 Noise pollution can also stop us from ________ properly. 10 Noise pollution can have a _________________ on how well we concentrate at work and can therefore affect ________________________________ ___________. sleeping very negative effect How much work we do and how well we do it
Necessity for noise control Noise control measures unpleasant cause stress loss of sleep damage hearing affect people’s lives plans to improve public transport reduce cars install soundproof windows build main roads, industrial areas and shopping malls away 4. Listen to the second part of the radio programme. Take notes on the following.
Individual noise control efforts ● Be considerate and think of neighbors Turn down TVs and stereos choose mobile phone ring tones, not loud, disturbing ▲ ▲ ▲
Writing: A Report
Before you start 1. Read the report quickly and match sections A-D with these headings. A B C D (4) Aims of the Report (3) Negative Facts (1) Positive Comments (2) Conclusion
2. Complete the report with the following linking words and expression. (1). According to (2). For example (3). although (4). However (5). as a result (6). Such as (7). In addition (8). Apart from (9). In this way
try to aim to present consider proper appropriate city urban area going up rising in fact as a matter of fact money finance give allocate 3. Find words and expressions in the report which are similar to these.
4. Write a report 1 ) Endangered animals 1 ) Endangered animals 目的:评估中国目前濒临灭绝的野生动物状况,并提出保护 动物的可行性措施。 消极方面:由于自然环境的恶化,人类的捕杀,越来越多的 动物濒临灭绝。 积极方面:我们可以采取有效的措施保护动物。如: 1 )保护环境,减少污染; 1 )保护环境,减少污染; 2 )充实知识,向群众宣传保护动物的重要性; 2 )充实知识,向群众宣传保护动物的重要性; 3 )禁止购买动物毛皮制品; 3 )禁止购买动物毛皮制品; 4 )保护动物栖息地,支持动物保护区的构建。 4 )保护动物栖息地,支持动物保护区的构建。 要求:根据以上内容写一则报告,内容可适当扩充,字数 120 左右。
2 ) Global warming 2 ) Global warming 目的:评估世界气候状况,并提出减轻全球变暖的可行性措 施。 消极方面:由于人类对树木的砍伐以及工农业废气的大量排 放等原因,全球变暖日趋明显。 积极方面:我们可以采取有效的措施减轻全球变暖。如: 1 )充实知识,向群众宣传保护环境的重要性; 1 )充实知识,向群众宣传保护环境的重要性; 2 )多搭乘公共交通工具,尽量少使用小车; 2 )多搭乘公共交通工具,尽量少使用小车; 3 )使用节能产品; 3 )使用节能产品; 4 )使用环保购物袋,购买可回收利用产品。 4 )使用环保购物袋,购买可回收利用产品。 要求:根据以上内容写一则报告,内容可适当扩充,字数 120 左右。